Let Go To Waste
Date: Wednesday, 7th July 2004 @ 06:52:43 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: WoodyMc44

Time is slowly passing by
I look back on life and wonder why,
I chose the path I’ve traveled down
My dreams, my hopes held no ground.

Times when I wanted to chase them afar
Stopped by life, glancing at stars.
From time to time not sure at all,
Who I was, or when I would fall.

Looking around me, all that I see,
Forgotten memories of what I might be.
Seeing life through eyes of others
Hopes put aside as if to much bother.

I look at my children and others today
Insisting hopes be part of their way.
Living a life that dreams are a part
Not ashamed to do it with all there hearts.

Better to fail, and try again
Then never have known what might have been.
Some believe that dreams are not real,
Dreams are a part of all that we feel.

Dreaming has taken us to the moon,
Brought us to victory, helped us to bloom.
Dreams can take us many different ways
if life’s not permitted to stand in the way.

God instilled hopes in all of us
And allows achievement for those who trust.
Planted within, like fruit to taste,
Dreams should not be “let go to waste.”

Woody McDaniel
Copyright, 2002

This poem is Copyright © WoodyMc44

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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