Training Wheels
Contributed by
Monday, 8th August 2016 @ 02:28:03 PM in AEST
When other people judge me I think of when my brother and I were younger.
I think of us riding our bikes down the asphalt of our street. I think lf him laughing at me as he rode ahead of me All proud glittering eyes, all smirk as he said. "It/'/s okay, you/'/ll catch up some day."
I felt so stupid in that moment and maybe I was. I was stupid for letting him make me feel stupid.
What my mother pointed out to us that day was true.
" She/'/s learning to bike without training wheels. You still have them. Of course you/'/re going faster than her."
I still think about that moment sometimes. I think about how it never crossed my mind he shouldn/'/t have been able to judge me untill she pointed it out.
I think about it whenever I let someone get me down.
I ask myself, Why we allow people in different stages Of life from us, people on different journeys, To dictate how easy our paths are.
Don/'/t sit and judge someones two wheeled life If you still have your training wheels on.
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2016-08-08 14:28:03] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Training Wheels
(User Rating: 1 ) by Odessa19 on
Monday, 8th August 2016 @ 11:44:22 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Such a beautiful analogy and reminder of our humanity |