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Tuesday, 10th May 2016 @ 04:59:48 PM in AEST
I left my heart unguarded, And turned away good stewards. Yet you stole it as a thief in the night, Not knowing its worth, And risk selling it for a poor price.
How stupid I was, To show you my scars and wounds, And not expect you to believe me broken. I should have pretended and lied, And tricked you. And known that my softness, by then, Would have softened you. I am fearful, You gave me hope, Yet threaten to demand it back again. I am fearful, That you have grown tired of me, And a lesser man will take you. I am fearful, That I will never know your warmth or tenderness.
Why O Lord, did you make me this way? Does she not see me bleed? Or does she consider my love, Which others have longed for but never tasted, Something cheap? Take this burden from me, For the uncertainty is heavy. Please let her be a tree of life, And not a hope deferred.
If I could inflict my longing upon you, So as you could share my pain, I would. And I would bathe in your affection, And shower you with mine. For you are, to me, a queen, A precious gem of much worth. Whereas I would fight for you, I could not expect the same.
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2016-05-10 16:59:48] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Enslaved
(User Rating: 1 ) by unknown_utopia on
Wednesday, 11th May 2016 @ 01:18:54 AM AEST (User
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Deep emotional torture in this flow..... |