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Monday, 11th May 2015 @ 08:37:01 AM in AEST
Remember, an oath took place
between the salt and sugar!
The Salt will melt in your lust;
Sugar will dissolve in my blood!
Remember the betrothal took place
Between the seed and the soil;
The soil will smell in your armpits!
The seed will burst in your love;
Remember the sun will burn to ashes
moon will drown into the deep ocean;
Sky will open its umbrella when no rain;
Heart will speak to heart in a night pain
Love is an in-patient; in patience;
Lust is an out-patient; no patience!
Body becomes violent; break-through
Mind always silent; makes-it-thorough!
Whether it is a day or night,
A white candle cannot burn
Without a red fire at all, hence
Burn me, until I become the ash.
Life is symbolic; it is cross in a fire,
My love to you is a symbol of a
White candle, and our life is red fire,
Burn me, until I become the ash.
Williamsji Maveli
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2015-05-11 08:37:01] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Life
(User Rating: 1 ) by Lionel on
Monday, 11th May 2015 @ 09:04:23 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Your heart burned within while writing that one. |