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Pig Love Is Blind

Contributed by JamesStockdale on Thursday, 5th March 2015 @ 08:16:40 AM in AEST
Topic: HumorPoetry

Love is blind
You're so fine
You big phat Swine

Teeth not so clean
A funky shade
Of Irish green

A face so pale
A smell so stale
A rump the size of an ocean whale

The walk and stroll
Of an automobile
The stride and glide
Of a semi

The brightness
Of a dim watt bulb
A smile and demeanor
Of a dead frog

Why oh why
Was I so blind
Me an educated male
Straight from Yale

You are a mess within
My garbage can
Like a gift straight from
A dumpster dive

I put my foot down
Stepped in some
And made my stand

Love is truly blind
And you're forever mine

Copyright © JamesStockdale ... [ 2015-03-05 08:16:40]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Thursday, 5th March 2015 @ 09:03:58 AM AEST
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ahahahaha! You sure know how to woo a girl.' A smile and demeanor of a dead frog.' The next person to rub me the wrong way will be getting a large dose of that little number. Truly enjoyable read. Thank you.

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Sunday, 8th March 2015 @ 12:14:54 AM AEST
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I like this. I dropped out of high school when I was sixteen and worked at a fence company, working a bunch of different saws. Then, one day, age 17 I decided to join the Navy. Sounded really good. So I went to enlist. I took a test and back then they said it was good. So next thing I knew the recruiter took me to take the GED. I passed it. I remember that day very well. Everyone in the room had two days to take the GED, I looked like I was maybe twelve while most the others were in their twenties or even older and to me looked old. I finished in less than two hours turned in the test and sat at the back of the class. This pretty woman who gave us the GED test then called me up and said, well ... my name.. congratulations, you are now a high school graduate.
Then at the last minute, before I went into the Navy, I got hired at this research lab as an animal care taker making what I thought was the big bucks. It changed my life.
Anyway, we had pigs we did research on, and being a city boy I grew fond of them. I used to drive a van to pick them up from the pig farms, and yes they do have that, you know horrid smell. They kept them in these horrible
Pig cubicles and they slopped around in this ugly muddy landscape. So, anyway, I would take the little tiny cute pig back to where we did biological research and I'd take care of them, and they would grow up really quick. I'd care for them in a completely different environment where it was actually much cleaner. I would walk them on a leash and discover how damn smart they were. I had to force pills down their snouts, but they seemed to forgive me and trust me anyhow somehow.

Pigs skin is similar to human skin, the fat layers and most especially the mesentery that arises from the posterior peritoneal cavity..

And yeah, they are smart too as I've stated.

Me too I thought back then. Luckily some nice folks working there thought the same.

I wasn't good at school when I was young. School wasn't good for me I guess.

Because of those pigs I figured things out.
Your poem
made me think back about myself.


Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by Pogivic on Friday, 13th March 2015 @ 02:38:08 PM AEST
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Wow! I guess you told him but sometimes the truth is the correct answer. I like your rhyme scheme.

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Friday, 27th March 2015 @ 04:23:08 PM AEST
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So damn mean and un called for

You need to start with the man in the mirror with that attitude lol
Creativity at its best and worst. Brilliant and hard hitting.

Are you the pig the chicken or the egg yolk?
Did you put your skin in the game?

Would you have killed baby hitler?
Send me a yes or a no.

You are talented tho

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by Archie on Saturday, 22nd August 2015 @ 02:03:44 PM AEST
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Love is blind, you had me laughing by the end.
The Temptations' song "Beauty's only skin deep" comes to mind.

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Friday, 18th September 2020 @ 04:52:32 AM AEST
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// Damn, that would be a tough call. Do I kill baby Hitler? 🤔😲

Anyways, hee hee hee.

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:32:18 AM AEST
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I must admit that I have not even bothered to red the poem that this comment is in response to, and I will tell you why,, why? My my lions tigers n bears, is that a guy with sty in his eye? "" no no nuns none, I am lady lazarus, God mother to the twinkle of a friend and her lovers child in his eyes, I rahab ilitation,

Never mind, I got lost in a world of alicewhite, but I mean well x and that/'/s what matters x

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:32:20 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I must admit that I have not even bothered to red the poem that this comment is in response to, and I will tell you why,, why? My my lions tigers n bears, is that a guy with sty in his eye? "" no no nuns none, I am lady lazarus, God mother to the twinkle of a friend and her lovers child in his eyes, I rahab ilitation,

Never mind, I got lost in a world of alicewhite, but I mean well x and that/'/s what matters x

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:34:59 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I must admit that I have not even bothered to red the poem that this comment is in response to, and I will tell you why,, why? My my lions tigers n bears, is that a guy with sty in his eye? "" no no nuns none, I am lady lazarus, God mother to the twinkle of a friend and her lovers child in his eyes, I rahab ilitation,

Never mind, I got lost in a world of alicewhite, but I mean well x and that/'/s what matters x

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:54:17 AM AEST
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I once begged for a £1 to give to brvger who had begged to me a few mins prior, at that precise moment in time,
I genuinely had no change to offer him
I felt awful to let him down
I was in toen
I wasn/'/t a liah

Lady lazarus and the rich man
Devilish 2nd sim
Number of a man

I paid him back for the £1 I begged to borrow to give to the begger I had previously had to let down
For Kings are beggars and beggers are kings
Vut only Satan is in such aw of these things
For as Bob said many times before and since

Everything that I have been through and
Unfortunately, still do, Co continously go through
Would have been too much for everyone else he had ever met, to have endured and maintained a pure heart and stayed pure and true,
And yet here I was, a heart of gold an ex prostitute,
So why were my morals and empathy even more intact than most holy men even attain too.
I still love a drink and the blood of christ too much even now, so over and out, ile leave the rest up to you xx

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:54:21 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I once begged for a £1 to give to brvger who had begged to me a few mins prior, at that precise moment in time,
I genuinely had no change to offer him
I felt awful to let him down
I was in toen
I wasn/'/t a liah

Lady lazarus and the rich man
Devilish 2nd sim
Number of a man

I paid him back for the £1 I begged to borrow to give to the begger I had previously had to let down
For Kings are beggars and beggers are kings
Vut only Satan is in such aw of these things
For as Bob said many times before and since

Everything that I have been through and
Unfortunately, still do, Co continously go through
Would have been too much for everyone else he had ever met, to have endured and maintained a pure heart and stayed pure and true,
And yet here I was, a heart of gold an ex prostitute,
So why were my morals and empathy even more intact than most holy men even attain too.
I still love a drink and the blood of christ too much even now, so over and out, ile leave the rest up to you xx

Re: Pig Love Is Blind (User Rating: 1 )
by alicewhite on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 @ 02:54:22 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I once begged for a £1 to give to brvger who had begged to me a few mins prior, at that precise moment in time,
I genuinely had no change to offer him
I felt awful to let him down
I was in toen
I wasn/'/t a liah

Lady lazarus and the rich man
Devilish 2nd sim
Number of a man

I paid him back for the £1 I begged to borrow to give to the begger I had previously had to let down
For Kings are beggars and beggers are kings
Vut only Satan is in such aw of these things
For as Bob said many times before and since

Everything that I have been through and
Unfortunately, still do, Co continously go through
Would have been too much for everyone else he had ever met, to have endured and maintained a pure heart and stayed pure and true,
And yet here I was, a heart of gold an ex prostitute,
So why were my morals and empathy even more intact than most holy men even attain too.
I still love a drink and the blood of christ too much even now, so over and out, ile leave the rest up to you xx

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