Bipolar Mom
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Friday, 2nd May 2014 @ 09:24:20 AM in AEST
I just want to thank you for giving me what I needed to have closure in my life about our relationship. You took the time and spoke the words that I needed to be able to heal and move on. I know that it took a lot of courage to do this and only a mothers love could put aside their own feelings and do what needs to be done for their child. Im 47 years old but that meant the world to me. It healed that angry little girl that I still carried inside. It seemed like all the anger that I had been holding on to just left and disappeared. No longer do I flinch with fear when I think of my childhood growing up with you. Instead I only see the mother youve become. A smile comes over me and warmth feels my heart. I am so proud of you. Youve become the woman that I can finally feel safe and comfortable to confide in and the wisdom you impart I trust. Your patience has always amazed me youve never pushed. But your arms were wide open to receive me no matter how long it took. Often when I hear people speak of forgiveness. I reflect back on our complicated mother daughter dance through the years and I know that people can truly forgive each other.
I know sometimes I may seem distant and I dont speak to you every day but thats just my nature its not a reflection on anything youve said or done. You see Ive had to be the strong one, the one that helped everyone else for so long that I just dont know how to reach out and ask for help or to share whats going on with me. You know I tend to internalize things. I know that you are there if I need you. I am just having trouble remembering how to reach out and grab your hand.
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2014-05-02 09:24:20] (Date/Time posted on
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