Advent is Apocalypse
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Sunday, 2nd December 2012 @ 08:09:48 PM in AEST

Advent is Apocalypse, That is coming every year, Winter Solstice's sun eclipse Welcomed with great festive cheer. . Grim however Lecture is, Warnig to be vigilant, Coming from the One Who IS, And will come and is at hand.
Recognize Him even Now, In this time of turbulence, While the winds of ruin blow. And woe upon threshold stands.
Stars fall down-calamity, Lo!- the sun gives no more light, Yet the Lord, Creator He, Works in Darkness out is might.
Darkness is with purpose rife, Must give way to dawn and light, To restore abundant life, And to set all things aright.
In the midst or Darkness came In the stillness of the night. He whose blessed holy name Rules the universe with might
Darkness is a mystery In which God works out His plans, Steering the trajectory Of the worlds' and their expanse..
Many ask big questions now, While a fallen world spins round, And men's pains and problems grow, As they seem to lose firm ground.
Woe to those that glibly drool, Without longing nor desire, And while slobbering play it cool Without passion zest and fire.
Our knowledge is still dim, Scientists and pundits wail, INFO's big, but knowledge slim, But all of them in Wisdom fail.
Solstice means the sun stands still, Waiting hopeful, patiently For His Coming and His Will, That to save humanity.
When we die,- Apocalypse, Will enfold us, but fear not, For through mortal frame's eclipse Flees the spirit to meet God.
Stay ye grounded in the Master Of the worlds and in His Word, 'Midst the darkness of disaster Conquered by the coming Lord.
Lo! HE came, - HE comes - HE will come-, All our times encompassing, Holy, holy, mighty awesome, Praise the sempiternal King !
Maranatha ! the last words of our bible - Maranatha! | Revelation 22:20. The closing words of the book of Revelation, and of the Bible, contained this little prayer of the Apostle John. Jesus come! Blessed be His Advent. Ration 22.6.21
(Copyright) Elizabeth Dandy
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2012-12-02 20:09:48] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Advent is Apocalypse
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Sunday, 2nd December 2012 @ 09:36:20 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
This write just reached out and grabbed me and held me here to the end.
Your writing and teaching still amazes me.
Huggs, blessings, smiles,
emy |