The Day I Lost
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Sunday, 17th June 2007 @ 08:50:33 PM in AEST
my two-faced self will confront its nemesis that day i'l almost, sell my senses
to be what told, is not my part behold who drives, within my heart
shake on wild beat, run the opposite fierce they might be, i still deny past it
understand those playing my game my ugly dame she, crys out shame
down i see not, up i shall for there you go, once in wrath
pray for closure, look for screams im looking forward, to my endless dreams
the day i lost, that my time ***** my story, it sounds all rhymed
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2007-06-17 20:50:33] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Day I Lost
(User Rating: 1 ) by Sheveg on
Wednesday, 16th June 2010 @ 09:49:01 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
This poem was confusing to me.
Sherry |