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Array ( [sid] => 81479 [catid] => 1 [aid] => mick [title] => BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** [time] => 2005-01-25 19:46:11 [hometext] => The Pea-Brain President Wants to tell you folks a few more lies... Listen carefully out there! [bodytext] => Washington District of Columbia

January 20, 2005

Vice Goon Cheney, Mr. Chief Inquisitor, President Carter, President Dad, President Clinton, reverend pseudo-christians, distinguished sycophants, fellow shills:

On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate our mutual disregard of our Constitution, and recall the deep dishonesty that divides our country. I am grateful for the chance to tell a few more lies, mindful of the opportunities for fooling you all again, and determined to do whatever I can to lie through my teeth at every opportunity.

At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history of abuse we have seen together. For a half century, America overtly and covertly attacked other nations while proclaiming our sanctimonious innocence. After the shipwreck of Reagan and my Dad came years of relative ignorance, years of ugly lies, years of bigotry – and then there came a day of just downright dishonesty.

We have seen my ugly arrogance – and we have seen its deepest source. For as long as whole regions of America simmer in resentment and tyranny – prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder – violence will gather, and multiply in destructive power, and cross the most defended borders, and raise a mortal threat. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of you the public demanding my sad ass be thrown out of the White House.

You are led, by a dildo and a complete lack of common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on me getting thrown into the garbage bag of history. The best hope for peace in our world is me quitting right now.

America’s selfish interests and our deepest beliefs are now one. From the day of our Founding, we have proclaimed that we are the biggest and the best and that what we say goes, because we are pig-ignorant rednecks and bear the mark of the Devil.
Across the generations we have sought to spread our infectious influence and ensure that we master our economic slaves across the world. Advancing our pernicious influence is the mission that created our Nation. It is the genocidal achievement of our fathers. Now it is in the urgent requirement of our nation’s interest that we steal as much oil as possible This is the calling of our time.

So it is the policy of the United States to seek and destroy any weak nations who don’t see things like we do, with the ultimate goal of slaughtering their populations or instilling so much fear they let us take whatever we wish from them.

This we will do primarily through the task of arms, and through devastating innocent civilians with shock and awe, torture and imprisonment without trial. Greed, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of our elites. And when the ass of a nation finally speaks, the intelligent may well laugh but this cannot be helped as I was born braindead. America will impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Don’t worry your little heads about THAT. Our goal is to further America’s narrow self-interest in the world and help silence any voices of opposition as these clearly are anti-American, enslave them, and put them away for good.

The great objective of stealing oil is the concentrated work of generations. The difficulty of the task is no excuse for avoiding it. America’s influence is not unlimited, but fortunately for the people who bankrolled me, America’s influence is considerable, and we will use it confidently to get our way.

My most solemn lie is that I give a **** about almost half of this nation and that my irresponsible policies will do anything but create more terrorists and terrorist threats. Some have unwisely chosen not to vote for me, and have found my pseudo-christian bigots came through for me.

We will persistently make sure the world has no choice but to obey us: The immoral choice between oppression by us, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is they can’t have because after all, we need their cheap resources far too much. America will
not pretend that others should consume as we do, or that anyone else should have the rights we abrogate to ourselves alone, or that we give a **** when they complain.

We will coerce the world to submit to us by making clear that we will bomb the hell out of them if they don’t. America’s belief in our own greedy exploitation of the world will guide our policies, yet lies must be go deeper in order that we can snow the press into not giving us a hard time. We are secured in our position of virtual republican dictatorship by manipulating the election process and ensuring that those we don’t want to participate are excluded. In the long run, there is no scam without lies, and there can be no big bucks for me and my friends without enslaving or slaughtering where necessary, all those foreigners who might get in our way.

Some, I know, have questioned the global appeal of lies – though this time in history, four decades defined by the ugliest corruption and denial of freedom ever seen, is an odd time for doubt.

Americans, of all people, should never be surprised by the power of lies. Eventually, the call of greed comes to every mind and every soul. We do not accept the existence of permanent liberty because we do not accept the possibility of permanent independence from the American way of business. Greed will come to those who love it.

Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world:

All who live in liberty and hope can know: the United States will not ignore your
independence, or excuse your lack of Americanisms. When you stand for buying our goods and selling us your raw produce at knockdown prices, we will stand in front of you and demand more.

Demoniacal oppressors such as me facing opposition, dissent, or humiliating scorn can know: America sees me for what I really am: a lying toad.

The rulers of outlaw regimes such as my own know that we still ignore: “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it.” So, don’t worry, we go before too long a time has passed.

The leaders of governments with long habits of control such as ours need to remember: To serve your people you must learn to lie to them. Start on this journey of war-mongering and deceit, and America will walk at your side.

And the few allies of the United States can know: we will continue to ******** you all the way, we rely on your naivety, and we depend on your greed to take your slice of the action. Division among free nations is a primary goal of America not getting what it wants. The concerted effort of free nations to promote defiance against America is a prelude to us bombing them back into the Stone Age.

Today, I also lie anew to my fellow citizens:

From all of you, I will take and will ensure that the terrorist threat is increased so that you will vote for another war-mongering chimp clone next time round. You seem not to give a **** about this and I find that good. Our country has accepted its destiny to rape the world of its raw materials and sell them a bunch of sleazy trash. It would be crazy to abandon this strategy when it is going SO well. Yet because we have acted in the great exploiting tradition of this nation, tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered. And as lie kindles lie, tens of thousands more will surely die.

By our efforts, we have lit a cremation fire as well – a cremation fire in the minds of bigots everywhere. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of lies and prejudice will reach the farthest corners of our world.

A few Americans have accepted the dirties duties in this cause – in the sleazy work of propaganda and misinformation … the cynical work of destroying free governments … the slimy and deceitful work of shafting our economic rivals. Some have shown their devotion to our country by killing uppity foreigners in strikes that gloried in heavy metal blitzkrieg – and we will always shout in ecstasy at the TV repeats.

All Americans have witnessed this jingoistic ugliness, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to keep up the ugly hatred and pig-ignorance and keep believing my lies. You have seen men, women and babies torn limb from limb by your military commanders. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and sheer brute force triumphs. Make the choice to kill in a cause that feeds your wants, larger than even mine – and in your days you will add not just add to the wealth of our country, but you will get to love the smell of blood.

America has need of noble myths and downright lies, because we have essential work at home – the unfinished work of ensuring the republican dictatorship. In a world moving toward American domination, we are determined to show the true consequences of unbridled greed.

In America’s ideal of exploiting those who can’t stop us, citizens find the added consumption and cheap prices just dandy. Instead of reducing our consumption we can instead continue to live off the poor of the Third World. This is the broader definition of greed and excess that motivates everything I do. And now we
will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the ugly obese excesses of our time. To give every American a little virtual foreign slave and ensure they can get as fat as they like, we will keep the Third World on its knees by refusing to accept finished goods except on high tariffs and demand they give us raw materials at rock-bottom prices. We will widen the ability of Americans to murder each other and payback the pseudo-christian bigots who made it possible for this cretin to stand here before you. By making every citizen an agent of the CIA, we will give
those pinko Americans a taste of the jailhouse, Abu Ghraib-type abuse and a thorough beating. We will and make our society fearful without limit and that will suit me and my fellow liars just fine.

In America’s ideal of greed and exploitation, the public interest depends on absence of private character – on duplicitousness, and intolerance toward those who have what WE want, and the total absence of conscience in our own lives. Dictatorial government relies, in the end, on controlling the masses through fear. That edifice of deceit is built in families, supported by communities with my standards, and sustained in our national life by the lies of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, Powell and all the other jerks that have duped you so long.

Americans move forward in every generation by reaffirming all that is greedy and false that came before – ideals of pre-emption and intolerance that are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In America’s ideal of unlimited consumption, the exercise of rights is dispensable, and mercy, and a heart for the weak, well, that’s simply out of the question! Lies for all does not mean you should have the temerity to criticise. Our nation
relies on men and women who actually believe these myths and lies about the sanctimonious and saintly Americans. The scam is that this is all about love and freedom, not greed and self-interest. Look after yourself and **** everyone else. That’s my motto! And our country must abandon all the habits of generosity, warmth or common sense, because people like me can’t get elected if you do. My goodness we need all you bigots more than ever.

From the perspective of a single day, including this day of deceit and ********, the issues and questions before our country are many. From the viewpoint of centuries, the questions that come to us are narrowed and few. Did we get what we wanted? And if not why not? Who the hell do we have to bomb to get that? And did I hear someone say they don’t agree? (Your name is being noted m’boy!)

These questions that judge us also divide us, (yes, there were a few anti-americans who didn’t vote for me) because Americans of my party and background,
Americans by choice and by birth, are taking a slim majority of voters and acting like we got some kind of overwhelming mandate. Yet those divisions do not define America. We will take care of these pinko traitors don’t you worry! Through the fear I and Dickhead created we felt the unity to go out and slaughter when our concession came under attack, and our response came like a single fart over a single nose. And we can feel that same hatred and jingoism whenever America acts for its own self-interest, and the victims of our attentions are given a taste of what it means to oppose us.

We go forward with complete arrogance and belief in the eventual triumph of greed. Not because history runs on the wheels of corruption; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves to be sanctimoniously superior to everyone else; I move and choose as I will and if I don’t like you, watch out!

We have arrogance because we don’t realise just how stupid and obnoxious we really are, the hunger in dark places such as your local MacDonalds, the longing of the
Big Mac. When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on greed; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner “Fries Now” – they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of war-mongering exploiters, but history also has a visible direction, set by liars like me and the author
of my one-page autobiography.

When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded we knew we could still snow you A witness said, “It rang as if it meant something.” Well, it didn’t. We are still snowing you to this very day. America, in this young century, proclaims our right to exploit the poor throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength – tested, and not even shamed – we are ready to take even more from those who need it most and give it to the most wasteful obese nation in the world.

May God bless me even though I kill in his name, and may He please ignore the lying and deceitful policies of the United States of America.

The Thoroughly Dishonorable George W. Bush....

XLIIIrd President of the United States
[comments] => 5 [counter] => 203 [topic] => 28 [informant] => steeleyes [notes] => Edited due to the use of banned words. Please stick to the site rules in future - Moderator_16 [ihome] => 0 [alanguage] => english [acomm] => 0 [haspoll] => 0 [pollID] => 0 [score] => 2 [ratings] => 2 [editpoem] => 1 [associated] => [topicname] => Patriotic )

Contributed by steeleyes on Tuesday, 25th January 2005 @ 07:46:11 PM in AEST
Topic: Patriotic

Washington District of Columbia

January 20, 2005

Vice Goon Cheney, Mr. Chief Inquisitor, President Carter, President Dad, President Clinton, reverend pseudo-christians, distinguished sycophants, fellow shills:

On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate our mutual disregard of our Constitution, and recall the deep dishonesty that divides our country. I am grateful for the chance to tell a few more lies, mindful of the opportunities for fooling you all again, and determined to do whatever I can to lie through my teeth at every opportunity.

At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history of abuse we have seen together. For a half century, America overtly and covertly attacked other nations while proclaiming our sanctimonious innocence. After the shipwreck of Reagan and my Dad came years of relative ignorance, years of ugly lies, years of bigotry – and then there came a day of just downright dishonesty.

We have seen my ugly arrogance – and we have seen its deepest source. For as long as whole regions of America simmer in resentment and tyranny – prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder – violence will gather, and multiply in destructive power, and cross the most defended borders, and raise a mortal threat. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of you the public demanding my sad ass be thrown out of the White House.

You are led, by a dildo and a complete lack of common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on me getting thrown into the garbage bag of history. The best hope for peace in our world is me quitting right now.

America’s selfish interests and our deepest beliefs are now one. From the day of our Founding, we have proclaimed that we are the biggest and the best and that what we say goes, because we are pig-ignorant rednecks and bear the mark of the Devil.
Across the generations we have sought to spread our infectious influence and ensure that we master our economic slaves across the world. Advancing our pernicious influence is the mission that created our Nation. It is the genocidal achievement of our fathers. Now it is in the urgent requirement of our nation’s interest that we steal as much oil as possible This is the calling of our time.

So it is the policy of the United States to seek and destroy any weak nations who don’t see things like we do, with the ultimate goal of slaughtering their populations or instilling so much fear they let us take whatever we wish from them.

This we will do primarily through the task of arms, and through devastating innocent civilians with shock and awe, torture and imprisonment without trial. Greed, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of our elites. And when the ass of a nation finally speaks, the intelligent may well laugh but this cannot be helped as I was born braindead. America will impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Don’t worry your little heads about THAT. Our goal is to further America’s narrow self-interest in the world and help silence any voices of opposition as these clearly are anti-American, enslave them, and put them away for good.

The great objective of stealing oil is the concentrated work of generations. The difficulty of the task is no excuse for avoiding it. America’s influence is not unlimited, but fortunately for the people who bankrolled me, America’s influence is considerable, and we will use it confidently to get our way.

My most solemn lie is that I give a **** about almost half of this nation and that my irresponsible policies will do anything but create more terrorists and terrorist threats. Some have unwisely chosen not to vote for me, and have found my pseudo-christian bigots came through for me.

We will persistently make sure the world has no choice but to obey us: The immoral choice between oppression by us, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is they can’t have because after all, we need their cheap resources far too much. America will
not pretend that others should consume as we do, or that anyone else should have the rights we abrogate to ourselves alone, or that we give a **** when they complain.

We will coerce the world to submit to us by making clear that we will bomb the hell out of them if they don’t. America’s belief in our own greedy exploitation of the world will guide our policies, yet lies must be go deeper in order that we can snow the press into not giving us a hard time. We are secured in our position of virtual republican dictatorship by manipulating the election process and ensuring that those we don’t want to participate are excluded. In the long run, there is no scam without lies, and there can be no big bucks for me and my friends without enslaving or slaughtering where necessary, all those foreigners who might get in our way.

Some, I know, have questioned the global appeal of lies – though this time in history, four decades defined by the ugliest corruption and denial of freedom ever seen, is an odd time for doubt.

Americans, of all people, should never be surprised by the power of lies. Eventually, the call of greed comes to every mind and every soul. We do not accept the existence of permanent liberty because we do not accept the possibility of permanent independence from the American way of business. Greed will come to those who love it.

Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world:

All who live in liberty and hope can know: the United States will not ignore your
independence, or excuse your lack of Americanisms. When you stand for buying our goods and selling us your raw produce at knockdown prices, we will stand in front of you and demand more.

Demoniacal oppressors such as me facing opposition, dissent, or humiliating scorn can know: America sees me for what I really am: a lying toad.

The rulers of outlaw regimes such as my own know that we still ignore: “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it.” So, don’t worry, we go before too long a time has passed.

The leaders of governments with long habits of control such as ours need to remember: To serve your people you must learn to lie to them. Start on this journey of war-mongering and deceit, and America will walk at your side.

And the few allies of the United States can know: we will continue to ******** you all the way, we rely on your naivety, and we depend on your greed to take your slice of the action. Division among free nations is a primary goal of America not getting what it wants. The concerted effort of free nations to promote defiance against America is a prelude to us bombing them back into the Stone Age.

Today, I also lie anew to my fellow citizens:

From all of you, I will take and will ensure that the terrorist threat is increased so that you will vote for another war-mongering chimp clone next time round. You seem not to give a **** about this and I find that good. Our country has accepted its destiny to rape the world of its raw materials and sell them a bunch of sleazy trash. It would be crazy to abandon this strategy when it is going SO well. Yet because we have acted in the great exploiting tradition of this nation, tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered. And as lie kindles lie, tens of thousands more will surely die.

By our efforts, we have lit a cremation fire as well – a cremation fire in the minds of bigots everywhere. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of lies and prejudice will reach the farthest corners of our world.

A few Americans have accepted the dirties duties in this cause – in the sleazy work of propaganda and misinformation … the cynical work of destroying free governments … the slimy and deceitful work of shafting our economic rivals. Some have shown their devotion to our country by killing uppity foreigners in strikes that gloried in heavy metal blitzkrieg – and we will always shout in ecstasy at the TV repeats.

All Americans have witnessed this jingoistic ugliness, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to keep up the ugly hatred and pig-ignorance and keep believing my lies. You have seen men, women and babies torn limb from limb by your military commanders. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and sheer brute force triumphs. Make the choice to kill in a cause that feeds your wants, larger than even mine – and in your days you will add not just add to the wealth of our country, but you will get to love the smell of blood.

America has need of noble myths and downright lies, because we have essential work at home – the unfinished work of ensuring the republican dictatorship. In a world moving toward American domination, we are determined to show the true consequences of unbridled greed.

In America’s ideal of exploiting those who can’t stop us, citizens find the added consumption and cheap prices just dandy. Instead of reducing our consumption we can instead continue to live off the poor of the Third World. This is the broader definition of greed and excess that motivates everything I do. And now we
will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the ugly obese excesses of our time. To give every American a little virtual foreign slave and ensure they can get as fat as they like, we will keep the Third World on its knees by refusing to accept finished goods except on high tariffs and demand they give us raw materials at rock-bottom prices. We will widen the ability of Americans to murder each other and payback the pseudo-christian bigots who made it possible for this cretin to stand here before you. By making every citizen an agent of the CIA, we will give
those pinko Americans a taste of the jailhouse, Abu Ghraib-type abuse and a thorough beating. We will and make our society fearful without limit and that will suit me and my fellow liars just fine.

In America’s ideal of greed and exploitation, the public interest depends on absence of private character – on duplicitousness, and intolerance toward those who have what WE want, and the total absence of conscience in our own lives. Dictatorial government relies, in the end, on controlling the masses through fear. That edifice of deceit is built in families, supported by communities with my standards, and sustained in our national life by the lies of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, Powell and all the other jerks that have duped you so long.

Americans move forward in every generation by reaffirming all that is greedy and false that came before – ideals of pre-emption and intolerance that are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In America’s ideal of unlimited consumption, the exercise of rights is dispensable, and mercy, and a heart for the weak, well, that’s simply out of the question! Lies for all does not mean you should have the temerity to criticise. Our nation
relies on men and women who actually believe these myths and lies about the sanctimonious and saintly Americans. The scam is that this is all about love and freedom, not greed and self-interest. Look after yourself and **** everyone else. That’s my motto! And our country must abandon all the habits of generosity, warmth or common sense, because people like me can’t get elected if you do. My goodness we need all you bigots more than ever.

From the perspective of a single day, including this day of deceit and ********, the issues and questions before our country are many. From the viewpoint of centuries, the questions that come to us are narrowed and few. Did we get what we wanted? And if not why not? Who the hell do we have to bomb to get that? And did I hear someone say they don’t agree? (Your name is being noted m’boy!)

These questions that judge us also divide us, (yes, there were a few anti-americans who didn’t vote for me) because Americans of my party and background,
Americans by choice and by birth, are taking a slim majority of voters and acting like we got some kind of overwhelming mandate. Yet those divisions do not define America. We will take care of these pinko traitors don’t you worry! Through the fear I and Dickhead created we felt the unity to go out and slaughter when our concession came under attack, and our response came like a single fart over a single nose. And we can feel that same hatred and jingoism whenever America acts for its own self-interest, and the victims of our attentions are given a taste of what it means to oppose us.

We go forward with complete arrogance and belief in the eventual triumph of greed. Not because history runs on the wheels of corruption; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves to be sanctimoniously superior to everyone else; I move and choose as I will and if I don’t like you, watch out!

We have arrogance because we don’t realise just how stupid and obnoxious we really are, the hunger in dark places such as your local MacDonalds, the longing of the
Big Mac. When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on greed; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner “Fries Now” – they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of war-mongering exploiters, but history also has a visible direction, set by liars like me and the author
of my one-page autobiography.

When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded we knew we could still snow you A witness said, “It rang as if it meant something.” Well, it didn’t. We are still snowing you to this very day. America, in this young century, proclaims our right to exploit the poor throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength – tested, and not even shamed – we are ready to take even more from those who need it most and give it to the most wasteful obese nation in the world.

May God bless me even though I kill in his name, and may He please ignore the lying and deceitful policies of the United States of America.

The Thoroughly Dishonorable George W. Bush....

XLIIIrd President of the United States

Copyright © steeleyes ... [ 2005-01-25 19:46:11]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** (User Rating: 1 )
by TheEarlyNovember on Tuesday, 25th January 2005 @ 08:06:34 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Wow you really put some time into this. I didn't actually read any of it but hey...here I'am lad

Re: BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** (User Rating: 1 )
by Rous on Tuesday, 25th January 2005 @ 08:13:16 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
You must be a political science advocate. I applaud your temerity. I, however, am quite proud to live in this country. And I would never deign to denigrate your ruler in such a way. One thing most people here, and I am sure even less elsewhere in the world do not grasp it that the President is only one third of the ruling party. He has about as much power as the Queen. And, trading off every four years, any given president inherits the problems of the last two or three in office. I will admit that I did not read all of your "essay". It turned me off by about the third word. What I did catch here and there showed more than just a few grammatical errors. Just one more reason to not finish it. I will thank you for the attempt at humour, though. Unfortunately, it fell far flat of its goal.

Re: BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Tuesday, 25th January 2005 @ 09:33:19 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
kerry is the a** and bush is a elephant which never forget. the a** I saw in thewhite house was clinton .Those who make dislike bush are usually illegal imagrents who need to go back to the country they came from.

Re: BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** (User Rating: 1 )
by dream_protector_bp on Tuesday, 25th January 2005 @ 09:48:42 PM AEST
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woa woa woa. i DID read the whole thing, and i must say, that although there are many who would, and probably have said that what you wrote is slanderous and wrong....i got to tell you if you look back in histroy, it all works. Now the only thing i dont agree with you is that i think that in the begining, it did mean somethin

When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded we knew we could still snow you A witness said, “It rang as if it meant something.” Well, it didn’t

i think that it was and still is the greatest hope for any place to be free.

that aside, i agree with your views on bush. [although i didnt like kerry much] and i applaude the time it took and the effort it must have been to write this.



Re: BUSH: RIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S A** (User Rating: 1 )
by Jacquelynne on Friday, 4th February 2005 @ 02:47:16 PM AEST
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i just read the other comments. That guy who said he wouldn't degrade your leader obviously has no realization that this is a free world and ppl are entitled to FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!the degenerate. lol. Anyway, of course i loved it, you know me.


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