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Array ( [sid] => 37102 [catid] => 1 [aid] => mick [title] => The Locket [time] => 2004-03-02 19:10:35 [hometext] => I wrote this about 2, 3 years ago i think. I only showed it to my best friend. I want other peoples opinions on it. I went through it and tried to correct all the grammer and spelling errors that i could. If you read this and find some alert me of it. [bodytext] => I sit in my chair. The thought of lead rushing threw my head starts to heal me. My sweaty wet hands can barely grasp the trigger. I stare back into my eternal morphine of twisted metal. My eyes open wide.

I wake up in a dark castle. The room only lit by one candle and the room empty all except for the spiders in the corners and the cob webs that engulf the furniture. I hear the waves collide against the castle that surrounds me. I walk slowly towards the door and look at the door knob and take a deep breath. I twist the knob and push the door open and fall to my knees. My heart begins to burn and my stomach begins to churn. I cry out in pain. I lay on the cold damp ground paralyzed by the pain that is destroying me. Then the pain subsides. I am weak but able to stand firm and look out upon what I have found. A vast ocean surrounds me. The clear dark body of water stretches far beyond my eyes. To my right the sky is clear and orange with an array of colors like a painting. With calm seas with many kinds of birds and creatures promising hope. Shortly from me is a great tree with bright green leaves, with life around and inside it. Its beautiful leaves and its magnificence stands tall. I move closer to the tree to see if it is real. The ground rises in front of me stopping me. The trees colors begin to fade and black roots appear from the ground and begin to pierce the bark of the tree. The roots begin to choke the tree and the roots begin to bulge. And with every bulge the tree begins to die. The squirrels are running from their fate and try to scavenge what they have left but it is to no avail. The roots strike into the animals and drain them of life. Leaving only skeletons covered in fur. I sit and watch as the trees fate becomes more evident. Then finally the tree is dead and the roots enslave the tree and turn it into its own. A hot wave of water hits my back. I turn around quickly to see the seas response. I look out in amazement and in awe of what lies before me; a sea of death and blood. The sea cries out with screams of horror and lashes out at the light. The clouds are dark and black with countless strikes of lightning electrifying the sky. Demons fly in the sky but are held down with chains or despair and loathing. In the sea lay thousands upon thousands of dying souls begging for forgiveness. Their moans grow louder and louder as to where I can’t hear myself think. I am again struck down by unimaginable pain. “What is happening to me?” I cry out. I have no resistance against this pain as it drains me of my energy. My heart beats slower and slower to the point I can barely breathe. Then before I can bear no more the pain is gone just like before and I am levitated by a powerful force. Something splits the sky and the seas and I see her hands raise me up with her, and I am not afraid. The light from her face begins to blind me. I cover my face as not to hurt my eyes. I hear her sweet voice that calms me and all the seas. “Do not be afraid,” she says. “I am your angel here to protect you and will always be with you, by your side loving you, always.” I look out upon both seas and the sky, they are calm. Waiting in anticipation on the angels next words the seas and the sky wait eagerly for the angel to speak and soothe their sorrows. I am now able to look at her and gaze upon her face and her beauty. My heart beats forever still as I look into her eyes I see love and compassion. And with her hand that she holds me in I see truth and honesty. She smiles at me happily. Then I hear a cry from out above. Then the angel foresakes me. Her brown flowing hair turns black to grey and her face melts away to her skull filled with snakes and spiders, the seas go insane. Out from her mouth flows acid and flames of deceit and lies. The seas are no longer separated by the invisible barrier that contained them. And they mix quickly and the creatures from the sky are shot down by the lightning and the demons attack the birds and eat of their flesh. The animals from the sea drown in their own blood and then are devoured by the lost souls of sorrow. The angel’s mouth fills the sea with lies, hate, self loathing, and death. The seas begin to crash against the island. The angel opens her mouth as I drop to the ground and the screams of all the lost souls echo in my mind. The castle shatters behind me and melts away into the merging seas. Then out from her mouth comes an object that I cannot see. I stand paralyzed wondering what kind of evil is this now. The object speeds closer to me as the angel laughs taunting me more and more. Then the object appears in front of me. The object pierces my forehead leaving me in a state of shock. I drop to my knees and feel the blood pour from my skull onto my body. The colors flicker from my view. I see her skull fall into the sea burning away laughing. As the skull sinks into the sea, a wave of blood rises above me higher and higher. Then it comes crashing down on me, tossing my body out into the sea of lost souls. I have no power as they rip my arms and legs from me and begin to feast upon my flesh. Then the roots come up from the sea and enter me through my nostrils and into my brain while tightly around my torso.

The bullet leaves my head. I fall to my knees then over on my side. I lay there painless now. In my left hand I hold the gun and in my right I hold a locket; with a picture of my angel.
[comments] => 2 [counter] => 231 [topic] => 13 [informant] => JTS [notes] => [ihome] => 0 [alanguage] => english [acomm] => 0 [haspoll] => 0 [pollID] => 0 [score] => 5 [ratings] => 1 [editpoem] => 0 [associated] => [topicname] => DarkPoetry )
The Locket

Contributed by JTS on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004 @ 07:10:35 PM in AEST
Topic: DarkPoetry

I sit in my chair. The thought of lead rushing threw my head starts to heal me. My sweaty wet hands can barely grasp the trigger. I stare back into my eternal morphine of twisted metal. My eyes open wide.

I wake up in a dark castle. The room only lit by one candle and the room empty all except for the spiders in the corners and the cob webs that engulf the furniture. I hear the waves collide against the castle that surrounds me. I walk slowly towards the door and look at the door knob and take a deep breath. I twist the knob and push the door open and fall to my knees. My heart begins to burn and my stomach begins to churn. I cry out in pain. I lay on the cold damp ground paralyzed by the pain that is destroying me. Then the pain subsides. I am weak but able to stand firm and look out upon what I have found. A vast ocean surrounds me. The clear dark body of water stretches far beyond my eyes. To my right the sky is clear and orange with an array of colors like a painting. With calm seas with many kinds of birds and creatures promising hope. Shortly from me is a great tree with bright green leaves, with life around and inside it. Its beautiful leaves and its magnificence stands tall. I move closer to the tree to see if it is real. The ground rises in front of me stopping me. The trees colors begin to fade and black roots appear from the ground and begin to pierce the bark of the tree. The roots begin to choke the tree and the roots begin to bulge. And with every bulge the tree begins to die. The squirrels are running from their fate and try to scavenge what they have left but it is to no avail. The roots strike into the animals and drain them of life. Leaving only skeletons covered in fur. I sit and watch as the trees fate becomes more evident. Then finally the tree is dead and the roots enslave the tree and turn it into its own. A hot wave of water hits my back. I turn around quickly to see the seas response. I look out in amazement and in awe of what lies before me; a sea of death and blood. The sea cries out with screams of horror and lashes out at the light. The clouds are dark and black with countless strikes of lightning electrifying the sky. Demons fly in the sky but are held down with chains or despair and loathing. In the sea lay thousands upon thousands of dying souls begging for forgiveness. Their moans grow louder and louder as to where I can’t hear myself think. I am again struck down by unimaginable pain. “What is happening to me?” I cry out. I have no resistance against this pain as it drains me of my energy. My heart beats slower and slower to the point I can barely breathe. Then before I can bear no more the pain is gone just like before and I am levitated by a powerful force. Something splits the sky and the seas and I see her hands raise me up with her, and I am not afraid. The light from her face begins to blind me. I cover my face as not to hurt my eyes. I hear her sweet voice that calms me and all the seas. “Do not be afraid,” she says. “I am your angel here to protect you and will always be with you, by your side loving you, always.” I look out upon both seas and the sky, they are calm. Waiting in anticipation on the angels next words the seas and the sky wait eagerly for the angel to speak and soothe their sorrows. I am now able to look at her and gaze upon her face and her beauty. My heart beats forever still as I look into her eyes I see love and compassion. And with her hand that she holds me in I see truth and honesty. She smiles at me happily. Then I hear a cry from out above. Then the angel foresakes me. Her brown flowing hair turns black to grey and her face melts away to her skull filled with snakes and spiders, the seas go insane. Out from her mouth flows acid and flames of deceit and lies. The seas are no longer separated by the invisible barrier that contained them. And they mix quickly and the creatures from the sky are shot down by the lightning and the demons attack the birds and eat of their flesh. The animals from the sea drown in their own blood and then are devoured by the lost souls of sorrow. The angel’s mouth fills the sea with lies, hate, self loathing, and death. The seas begin to crash against the island. The angel opens her mouth as I drop to the ground and the screams of all the lost souls echo in my mind. The castle shatters behind me and melts away into the merging seas. Then out from her mouth comes an object that I cannot see. I stand paralyzed wondering what kind of evil is this now. The object speeds closer to me as the angel laughs taunting me more and more. Then the object appears in front of me. The object pierces my forehead leaving me in a state of shock. I drop to my knees and feel the blood pour from my skull onto my body. The colors flicker from my view. I see her skull fall into the sea burning away laughing. As the skull sinks into the sea, a wave of blood rises above me higher and higher. Then it comes crashing down on me, tossing my body out into the sea of lost souls. I have no power as they rip my arms and legs from me and begin to feast upon my flesh. Then the roots come up from the sea and enter me through my nostrils and into my brain while tightly around my torso.

The bullet leaves my head. I fall to my knees then over on my side. I lay there painless now. In my left hand I hold the gun and in my right I hold a locket; with a picture of my angel.

Copyright © JTS ... [ 2004-03-02 19:10:35]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: The Locket (User Rating: 1 )
by doug on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004 @ 09:15:24 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
a very bleak atmospere , chilling and oppressive. i saw images in my head that were nightmarish and disturbing.
keep up the good work, your friend doug

Re: The Locket (User Rating: 1 )
by kidpoet_213 on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004 @ 09:18:44 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
All I can say is whoa!!! A powerful write... keep it up!!

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