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Array ( [sid] => 180004 [catid] => 1 [aid] => mick [title] => Metaphysical Outlook [time] => 2014-12-12 06:23:56 [hometext] => A poem about all sorts of philosophical ideas, from the world, to the universe, to God, and to us. [bodytext] => To say the world is perfect is a matter of discussion
A matter of opinion and a matter of context
You may not understand the patterns of the wind
Or the effects of the moon might perplex
But to decide if the world is perfect you need to determine
What perfect is by definition, and figure what is such
What you define as the world, the planet itself?
Or is the world different, the planet is the body occupying space
While the world is the human construct of society,
Or is the world synonymous with the planet itself?

Well let's start with the world, in efforts to begin.
I'd say the world is the planet and everything within.
From the crust to the core, and from the thermosphere to the troposphere.
Everything in those areas that is a part of any cycle
Be it energy circulation, respiration, construction, or reproduction
It's accounted for as a part of the world, since it fits in its equilibrium
This includes the wildlife, since if you were to look at the world from space
You wouldn't disregard them from being there any more than a riverbed or mountain ridge

So now we have the world. Great.
Let's get started on the topic of perfection.
Perfection, much like beauty, is of course subjective
Completely reliant on the mind's inspection.
So for this sort of argument, there is no universal answer.
If the world was perfect, nothing would be wrong with it,
And as far as I am concerned, that's simply not the case.

Too much, we stop and take a look around
And see the Earth as hallowed ground.
Quite right, the world's a beautiful thing,
But it's far from perfect.
If we were to establish peace and rid ourselves of the greed,
Eliminate the systems of classes, power, poverty and wealth,
It would be a start in terms of living well,
But the lives of men would still be at risk,
From the waves and quakes of the earth.
Wind would still tear apart the homes of men,
And the sun would burn their skin,
While cancer and sickness eat them from within.

But maybe that makes the world perfect
And man himself imperfect?
But if that's the case, why is the planet perfect
When imperfection inhabits it?
Would a man be perfect if illness plagued him?
I ask in the sense of pollution of course!
If the Chain's as strong as it's weakest link,
Does that mean the world is as perfect as any piece?

When you stand outside and you see the world around you,
Look up at the stars and let the wonder surround you,
You wonder what else is out there, since you can only perceive such a small amount.
But the labeling of that as proof, for the designing and creation is difficult to surmount.
When it comes down to it, how you feel when you see such things,
Is a matter of emotions, feelings, and is ultimately personal.
It is not evidence, because there's no logical reason for it to be so.
I don't say this to offend, or because I assume you're trying to pretend
That there's more reason for us to be here
Than to simply live out our years

But in the world of philosophy, debating, arguments and discussions,
Relying solely on emotions can have some repercussions.
When a case is brought to trial in the public court,
The jury can't determine based on how they feel,
They have to determine on what may or may not be real.
The sickening thought of disgusting crimes
And the pity felt for victims doesn't justify
The way we cast aside and demonize
The persons on trial, modern-day heretics.

Innocent until proven guilty isn't just a tagline,
But a standard, to protect each's way of life
So if you understand that train of thought
Apply it to your own
And even if you consider every thing I say
And happen to disagree with almost all of it,
I still respect your opposite choice
And your will to do so.

A problem with an issue such as "Is there a God?"
Or "why are we here?" Is the fact that
We all have our outlooks that cloud our looking in.
Some say the world came from nothing
While some say it couldn't have
As that's apparently impossible.

Here's a little tip, to understand the Big Bang
We rely on traveling, from a single point
This is the earliest thing we can understand,
Attest to happening, or even claim
What happened, existed, or allowed the event
To happen isn't even known
Nor can it be so, since to determine time,
You need events, motions, change in the continuum.
If throughout all space, matter had not existed,
Would that count as time?
If so, how would you count it, measure it, and designate it?
But since we can't have any way
To determine, or look into it
We have to each take it as a matter of faith,
In the sense of what occurred or existed before.
Since no evidence out there will answer for sure.

Could it be that everything that currently is,
Was all in one central orb?
Always existing, and never truly made?
Or that some thing, equivalent to a god,
Said "Let there be reality!"
And started it with a bang?
Or could it be one of those to some extent,
And the event is being taken advantage of
By some greedy miscreants?
There's plenty of thoughts that I would love to share,
But that would take more time and writing than I would even care
But I'll try to anyway, to find some middle ground
So that not even the opposing story, is the craziest thing around

Hypothetically, let's say there is some sort of god.
We'll start without a holy book first,
to cover the basis of the bases
It's not any more unreasonable to say
That God had created the Earth for no reason
Than to say it was created just for us.
Maybe either's true, maybe neither is
Or maybe they both are,
But the world will never know

If you're disagreeing, and you think
That no reason is ridiculous it seems,
That the reason you feel so, is because you're here,
With no intention of quitting, and just shutting down.
In order for it to make sense we have to have a reason,
Since it makes no sense to exist without a reason.
So we establish ourselves a purpose,
And we accredit it to God, ourselves, or those who pushed us.
After we do so, we have a reason to exist,
A reason to live, and to continue to do so
If we have a reason, to say we had none before
Would in itself be contradictory
Since, if the reason or purpose was vacant
There'd be nothing but the same of us
Maybe in that sense we are the true God,
Since we establish the reason that we give ourselves,
And we alone choose to define why we're here.
Or the universe and God are one in the same.
And because we all are part of that universe,
We are all each a part of God.
We're not being watched, or even at risk of hell.
Unless that is of course, we make it of our lives.

But, say for sake of argument,
That the universe and reality,
Exist by our own perception,
As coincidence.
Can we really determine the chances of such a thing?
Without knowing the building blocks for everything?
Especially considering that matter,
Can't be created or destroyed.
Ants within the ground, unable to see the stars,
Cannot make a legitimate calculation without statistics.
Especially if all the statistics and information,
Are something they know nothing about.

Regardless of that, if existence just simply is,
It might terrify, or cause worthlessness to settle in.
But bear in mind, it's not a lesser status of yourself,
But better yet an equalizer, a balance of us all.
So know when it's time, to put your pride on the shelf.
Accept the beauty, in the world and in your self.
Because no matter the way, any of us arrived,
We hopefully had ideas for betterment,
And we truly strived.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
Or so it simply seems.
But beauty is not always
What we think it means.
The world, the planet,
Earth as viewed from space,
May seem beautiful,
The work of holy grace.
But if you view it in a sense of amazing,
Purely coincidental chaos,
It blows the mind to think,
That something of that magnitude,
Was not made for a reason,
Or a premeditated purpose,
But yet it can mean so much,
To everyone and you.
As you stare at that enormous orb of brown, white, and blue,
I think regardless of your opinion, pride will take over you.

I've said before, I don't believe in God,
But that doesn't mean I disbelieve.
A universally moderate hipster of choices.
Open-minded to the extreme.
An artist in my day-dreams,
And insomniac at night.
I've been asked why take the chance?
The chance of what?

Suffering the wrath of a deity who did not approve?
Of my choices, actions, behaviors, and intake of foods?
I can easily explain why.

The idea of God, is that it is loving, tender and sweet.
All-knowing, all-powerful, and impossible to beat.
If it truly knows all, can do anything it wishes,
It can make which ever decision that it truly likes.
So if I am someday judged, for the life that I have lived,
It's only known by God, its decision in the end.
I am warned and told, that to disobey it would mean hell,
But maybe the true test of faith, is living, and living well.
To hear the cries of doubt, from those who worship it,
And tell me what I need, to be accepted in.

So if God's as all knowing, and all-loving
as people make it out to be
Then I have nothing to fear,
Because no imperfect body can predict
The judgment bestowed by the soul source of perfection.
Even still, it's in my opinion,
That hell isn't real.
Not because it can't be,
But there truly is no need.

If in life we are limited, by brains and parts within,
Then the choices that we've made, even those of sin,
May have been, incredibly dependent,
On our lack, of mental independence.
If we arrive in a new life,
A later afterlife,
The new plane I hope,
Saves us from that plight.
It's senseless to be against,
Reality itself.
So why would the devil,
Not repent himself?

There's no way, that Satan was always evil,
For if he was, it was the way he was created.
But think about that for a second.
What it means as a story.
The religion's book can't work,
Without a sense of Good and Evil.
For if you have no conflict,
Where else will you build a meaning,
A purpose, a reason, a goal in your being?

All I want to be known, is that I did what I could
Brought joy and love throughout all my stay,
Tried not to hurt and steal,
And never even kill.
Touch the lives and hearts of many,
Filled their souls full with love.
If this whole reality, is observed from up-high,
I say that I apologize for my lack of trusting it,
As I am imperfect, and can be often mislead.
Maybe in my death, I'll lose my own humanity,
But be one step closer, to being perfected in the least.
If one who is perfect, sees such a state,
I truly hope, that they can sympathize with me,
For if they don't, than my free will was all for naught.

The bible is many things, written within a book.
If it is a scam, then so many folks baited by the hook.
In my opinion it's possibly one of two things:
A book written by some men,
Who felt that they knew
What's right in the eyes of perfection,
For them and for you.
Or it's written much akin to,
Olden and ancient fairy tales.
A book of fiction,
But with a positive moral goal.
Unfortunately slathered,
With old-world hate as well.
To hopefully better guide the ignorant.
As of which we must technically be,
From the children of God,
To our children to be.
Either way, I have no trust,
For churches, or pastors.
When one stands before many,
Trusted as a source of truth,
If he misreads the book,
It can be morally bad on you.
If he believes not what he reads,
And collects your money,
He earns himself a way of life,
At a cost to you.
If he is a hungry wolf,
Preying amongst the flock,
He dresses himself as a sheep,
And moves about with ease.
Very easily can he,
Sink his fangs into you.

So many issues, so little time.
Things that even if we answer,
Will never work for everyone.
Best of luck to you on your endeavors,
And to those of your successors.
And if by chance I'm wrong,
Or possibly even right,
To those of your ancestors,
And have a good night.
[comments] => 1 [counter] => 170 [topic] => 21 [informant] => xHeathenx [notes] => [ihome] => 0 [alanguage] => english [acomm] => 0 [haspoll] => 0 [pollID] => 0 [score] => 0 [ratings] => 0 [editpoem] => 1 [associated] => [topicname] => Lifepoems )
Metaphysical Outlook

Contributed by xHeathenx on Friday, 12th December 2014 @ 06:23:56 AM in AEST
Topic: Lifepoems

To say the world is perfect is a matter of discussion
A matter of opinion and a matter of context
You may not understand the patterns of the wind
Or the effects of the moon might perplex
But to decide if the world is perfect you need to determine
What perfect is by definition, and figure what is such
What you define as the world, the planet itself?
Or is the world different, the planet is the body occupying space
While the world is the human construct of society,
Or is the world synonymous with the planet itself?

Well let's start with the world, in efforts to begin.
I'd say the world is the planet and everything within.
From the crust to the core, and from the thermosphere to the troposphere.
Everything in those areas that is a part of any cycle
Be it energy circulation, respiration, construction, or reproduction
It's accounted for as a part of the world, since it fits in its equilibrium
This includes the wildlife, since if you were to look at the world from space
You wouldn't disregard them from being there any more than a riverbed or mountain ridge

So now we have the world. Great.
Let's get started on the topic of perfection.
Perfection, much like beauty, is of course subjective
Completely reliant on the mind's inspection.
So for this sort of argument, there is no universal answer.
If the world was perfect, nothing would be wrong with it,
And as far as I am concerned, that's simply not the case.

Too much, we stop and take a look around
And see the Earth as hallowed ground.
Quite right, the world's a beautiful thing,
But it's far from perfect.
If we were to establish peace and rid ourselves of the greed,
Eliminate the systems of classes, power, poverty and wealth,
It would be a start in terms of living well,
But the lives of men would still be at risk,
From the waves and quakes of the earth.
Wind would still tear apart the homes of men,
And the sun would burn their skin,
While cancer and sickness eat them from within.

But maybe that makes the world perfect
And man himself imperfect?
But if that's the case, why is the planet perfect
When imperfection inhabits it?
Would a man be perfect if illness plagued him?
I ask in the sense of pollution of course!
If the Chain's as strong as it's weakest link,
Does that mean the world is as perfect as any piece?

When you stand outside and you see the world around you,
Look up at the stars and let the wonder surround you,
You wonder what else is out there, since you can only perceive such a small amount.
But the labeling of that as proof, for the designing and creation is difficult to surmount.
When it comes down to it, how you feel when you see such things,
Is a matter of emotions, feelings, and is ultimately personal.
It is not evidence, because there's no logical reason for it to be so.
I don't say this to offend, or because I assume you're trying to pretend
That there's more reason for us to be here
Than to simply live out our years

But in the world of philosophy, debating, arguments and discussions,
Relying solely on emotions can have some repercussions.
When a case is brought to trial in the public court,
The jury can't determine based on how they feel,
They have to determine on what may or may not be real.
The sickening thought of disgusting crimes
And the pity felt for victims doesn't justify
The way we cast aside and demonize
The persons on trial, modern-day heretics.

Innocent until proven guilty isn't just a tagline,
But a standard, to protect each's way of life
So if you understand that train of thought
Apply it to your own
And even if you consider every thing I say
And happen to disagree with almost all of it,
I still respect your opposite choice
And your will to do so.

A problem with an issue such as "Is there a God?"
Or "why are we here?" Is the fact that
We all have our outlooks that cloud our looking in.
Some say the world came from nothing
While some say it couldn't have
As that's apparently impossible.

Here's a little tip, to understand the Big Bang
We rely on traveling, from a single point
This is the earliest thing we can understand,
Attest to happening, or even claim
What happened, existed, or allowed the event
To happen isn't even known
Nor can it be so, since to determine time,
You need events, motions, change in the continuum.
If throughout all space, matter had not existed,
Would that count as time?
If so, how would you count it, measure it, and designate it?
But since we can't have any way
To determine, or look into it
We have to each take it as a matter of faith,
In the sense of what occurred or existed before.
Since no evidence out there will answer for sure.

Could it be that everything that currently is,
Was all in one central orb?
Always existing, and never truly made?
Or that some thing, equivalent to a god,
Said "Let there be reality!"
And started it with a bang?
Or could it be one of those to some extent,
And the event is being taken advantage of
By some greedy miscreants?
There's plenty of thoughts that I would love to share,
But that would take more time and writing than I would even care
But I'll try to anyway, to find some middle ground
So that not even the opposing story, is the craziest thing around

Hypothetically, let's say there is some sort of god.
We'll start without a holy book first,
to cover the basis of the bases
It's not any more unreasonable to say
That God had created the Earth for no reason
Than to say it was created just for us.
Maybe either's true, maybe neither is
Or maybe they both are,
But the world will never know

If you're disagreeing, and you think
That no reason is ridiculous it seems,
That the reason you feel so, is because you're here,
With no intention of quitting, and just shutting down.
In order for it to make sense we have to have a reason,
Since it makes no sense to exist without a reason.
So we establish ourselves a purpose,
And we accredit it to God, ourselves, or those who pushed us.
After we do so, we have a reason to exist,
A reason to live, and to continue to do so
If we have a reason, to say we had none before
Would in itself be contradictory
Since, if the reason or purpose was vacant
There'd be nothing but the same of us
Maybe in that sense we are the true God,
Since we establish the reason that we give ourselves,
And we alone choose to define why we're here.
Or the universe and God are one in the same.
And because we all are part of that universe,
We are all each a part of God.
We're not being watched, or even at risk of hell.
Unless that is of course, we make it of our lives.

But, say for sake of argument,
That the universe and reality,
Exist by our own perception,
As coincidence.
Can we really determine the chances of such a thing?
Without knowing the building blocks for everything?
Especially considering that matter,
Can't be created or destroyed.
Ants within the ground, unable to see the stars,
Cannot make a legitimate calculation without statistics.
Especially if all the statistics and information,
Are something they know nothing about.

Regardless of that, if existence just simply is,
It might terrify, or cause worthlessness to settle in.
But bear in mind, it's not a lesser status of yourself,
But better yet an equalizer, a balance of us all.
So know when it's time, to put your pride on the shelf.
Accept the beauty, in the world and in your self.
Because no matter the way, any of us arrived,
We hopefully had ideas for betterment,
And we truly strived.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
Or so it simply seems.
But beauty is not always
What we think it means.
The world, the planet,
Earth as viewed from space,
May seem beautiful,
The work of holy grace.
But if you view it in a sense of amazing,
Purely coincidental chaos,
It blows the mind to think,
That something of that magnitude,
Was not made for a reason,
Or a premeditated purpose,
But yet it can mean so much,
To everyone and you.
As you stare at that enormous orb of brown, white, and blue,
I think regardless of your opinion, pride will take over you.

I've said before, I don't believe in God,
But that doesn't mean I disbelieve.
A universally moderate hipster of choices.
Open-minded to the extreme.
An artist in my day-dreams,
And insomniac at night.
I've been asked why take the chance?
The chance of what?

Suffering the wrath of a deity who did not approve?
Of my choices, actions, behaviors, and intake of foods?
I can easily explain why.

The idea of God, is that it is loving, tender and sweet.
All-knowing, all-powerful, and impossible to beat.
If it truly knows all, can do anything it wishes,
It can make which ever decision that it truly likes.
So if I am someday judged, for the life that I have lived,
It's only known by God, its decision in the end.
I am warned and told, that to disobey it would mean hell,
But maybe the true test of faith, is living, and living well.
To hear the cries of doubt, from those who worship it,
And tell me what I need, to be accepted in.

So if God's as all knowing, and all-loving
as people make it out to be
Then I have nothing to fear,
Because no imperfect body can predict
The judgment bestowed by the soul source of perfection.
Even still, it's in my opinion,
That hell isn't real.
Not because it can't be,
But there truly is no need.

If in life we are limited, by brains and parts within,
Then the choices that we've made, even those of sin,
May have been, incredibly dependent,
On our lack, of mental independence.
If we arrive in a new life,
A later afterlife,
The new plane I hope,
Saves us from that plight.
It's senseless to be against,
Reality itself.
So why would the devil,
Not repent himself?

There's no way, that Satan was always evil,
For if he was, it was the way he was created.
But think about that for a second.
What it means as a story.
The religion's book can't work,
Without a sense of Good and Evil.
For if you have no conflict,
Where else will you build a meaning,
A purpose, a reason, a goal in your being?

All I want to be known, is that I did what I could
Brought joy and love throughout all my stay,
Tried not to hurt and steal,
And never even kill.
Touch the lives and hearts of many,
Filled their souls full with love.
If this whole reality, is observed from up-high,
I say that I apologize for my lack of trusting it,
As I am imperfect, and can be often mislead.
Maybe in my death, I'll lose my own humanity,
But be one step closer, to being perfected in the least.
If one who is perfect, sees such a state,
I truly hope, that they can sympathize with me,
For if they don't, than my free will was all for naught.

The bible is many things, written within a book.
If it is a scam, then so many folks baited by the hook.
In my opinion it's possibly one of two things:
A book written by some men,
Who felt that they knew
What's right in the eyes of perfection,
For them and for you.
Or it's written much akin to,
Olden and ancient fairy tales.
A book of fiction,
But with a positive moral goal.
Unfortunately slathered,
With old-world hate as well.
To hopefully better guide the ignorant.
As of which we must technically be,
From the children of God,
To our children to be.
Either way, I have no trust,
For churches, or pastors.
When one stands before many,
Trusted as a source of truth,
If he misreads the book,
It can be morally bad on you.
If he believes not what he reads,
And collects your money,
He earns himself a way of life,
At a cost to you.
If he is a hungry wolf,
Preying amongst the flock,
He dresses himself as a sheep,
And moves about with ease.
Very easily can he,
Sink his fangs into you.

So many issues, so little time.
Things that even if we answer,
Will never work for everyone.
Best of luck to you on your endeavors,
And to those of your successors.
And if by chance I'm wrong,
Or possibly even right,
To those of your ancestors,
And have a good night.

Copyright © xHeathenx ... [ 2014-12-12 06:23:56]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Metaphysical Outlook (User Rating: 1 )
by ladyfawn on Thursday, 18th December 2014 @ 11:18:25 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
well thought out and very interesting with excellent points,

hugs n' love nessa

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