you hear, why me,,
you hear, what did i do wrong,,
you hear words,
that have been around for years,,
a perfect plan was set,,
for us to not understand,,
but it's there,,
for us not to question,,
we can't question,
what's not there,
nor can we say why,,
but still tomorrow,,
we ask the same thing,,
we can't blame ourselves,,
for the stupidity that we do,,
we blame everyone for our mistakes,,
we must look into the mirror,,
for there's the blame,,
a perfect plan was made,,
for we can't control,,
we live the best that we can,,
but still can't control,,
go to work tomorrow,,
an accident,,whose fault,,
a perfect plan,,
we live for this,,
we accept this,,
we want this,,
it was made for us,,
this perfect plan of life,,,,
craig s. meeks
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2008-09-06 08:05:39] (Date/Time posted on