Mirrored Thoughts
Date: Wednesday, 17th May 2006 @ 12:38:23 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: daprdan

The driver in front As seen from behind
Her mirrored image while waiting in line

Face of despair encountering delays
Construction zone pylons directing our way

It's maddening and troublesome driving to work
Starting and stopping and moving in jerks

Our lane just sat there the light was still green
Opposing traffic turned left in a stream

Not even stopping when arrows turned red
I wish it was me just 6 cars ahead

I wouldn't have let them pull that on me
I'd inch into traffic force them to flee

Living the moment my life is on pause
A moment in time is all that it was

Reality returns our lane is now moving
The face in the mirror begins disappearing

This poem is Copyright © daprdan

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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