Date: Thursday, 1st January 2004 @ 06:18:48 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: lovingcritters
In my dreams I see strange computer happenings!
Keyboards tapping, rapping, mornings, evenings!
Little people dancing on the keys with ease....
Also young men, men in fifties, and even grannies!
Some nights when I'm really tired I just sigh...
I see dogs with fleas, centipedes, even
Popeye wearing a tie?
If I don't like a dream, I just computereyes...
Go to "search" click on color, from blue to
lavender skies, easier on my eyes!
I can change the seasons, in the twinkling of an eye!
I can't stand summer with it's heat, click on
"Apply Stationery." I make it snow, and very dry!
I sometimes find, I haven't a single thing to wear!
Copy, cut, paste, men's wear, footwear,
ladie's wear, chosen with care.
Too fat? Trim some off....Paperport jpg.
compress with a flare!
Poems, Poems, and more Poems galore....
I see Norms, Colbats, Wrybods, Larrys, VSs
VenKats, Broken Glass, Goose, what a score!
There's Jaymees, Aikas, Ilhars, Shelbys, Kies,
EDs, Merrys, Noras, Sandys, Emmys, EmSal, Sairas,
More than I can possibly read....
I'm just too tired to comment now, click on
"Documents," Save, tomorrow with a little rest
Norm says, "Happy New Year Everyone!"
"Gee, Norm, did you have to take up so much space?"
I have six dogs, two large, and four small....
They shed so badly this time of year, I could bawl.
Put their pictures in my scanner, scan, configures
Six little small, hairless, bladder less, tiny creatures!
There's only five, one got lost in the configuration!
But, the best part of my dream is when
I get to change everything!
First the face, I've always hated my nose....
It's a "Ski Jump," no bluffing.
My teeth could use some whitening. Pepsodent
will get the yellow out, search for a plastic surgeon,
ask for a beautiful straight snoot?
My,Oh,My, look at that.....with his computer.
What a beaut!!!
"When I saw it, I cried too!"
Before I awaken, Please "Computereyes"
do me one more favor?
Could I please change the conditions
of my world?
But of course, start with you first..this I must alter.
Click on "Heart," then "Do Your Part!" "Be More KInd,"
"Be More Loving," "No Hate Hurled!"
Usher in a New Year, A New World Unfurled!"
You got it!
Created by
Cheri Cam LeBren
January 1, 2004
May all you poets
at YPDC have a marvelous
Poetry year....may all your
poems 2004!
With love,
And a Great Big
Extra Thank you
to you Mick....for
helping me with all
those crazy pictures!
This poem is Copyright © lovingcritters
Important note: ALL POETRY ON THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT. If you wish to use any poem
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