Date: Wednesday, 27th September 2017 @ 03:36:08 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: banjosandwitch
When you go in search of that thing you know you have
You know you put it away safe
But you can not remember where
So you turn things upside down and inside out
But you can not find it at all
But you do find things you thought where lost
Time ticks by, you delve deeper and deeper
Falling into the abyss of past memories
Finding things that still work
And junk that has long been dodging the skip
Until you find your quest in a joyous and fulfilling end
Hidden deep down dusty paths, in a box that had not caught your eye
I knew it was somewhere
It was in one of my distant memories, long covered in new
But finally I have found you, my precious
by banjosandwitch 27/09/17 https://www.youtube.com/user/banjosandwitch
This poem is Copyright © banjosandwitch
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