Date: Thursday, 14th September 2017 @ 10:51:39 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: softerware
Oh to be a waterfall; hellbent for adventure!
Fearless of new ports of call; mocking land and censure.
Polishing the jagged stones; unafraid of falling;
Coltish and magnificent; down the canyons calling.
Ill never be an ocean;
but I can be a brook;
No moontides rule my motion;
Yet Ill not be mistook;
For one who fears; these winding years; whose mossy banks defy:
The darkness and the daylight; winter snows and mountain highs.
One day I’ll meet a valley; too steep for me to climb.
And there Ill settle gladly; to change again in time.
As sunlight bears; Ill rise to air; to view from velvet sky;
The path I came, from lowly plain; to drifting clouds gone by.
Who knows, if good, perhaps I could;
Return as summer rain;
And fall as teardops in the sea;
Come home, at last ,again.
This poem is Copyright © softerware
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