Push Forward
Date: Friday, 1st September 2017 @ 11:05:13 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: akadawny
When life knocks you down
Its hard to get back up
Its easier to just stay down
Just lying in that rut
Its easier to drift along
With life just sailing by
Not dealing with the choices
Not having to even try
Its easier to just give up
Not try to climb back out
Down in that dark uncertainty
With all the hurt and doubt
It takes a while to find yourself
And think youre good enough
To remember that you can and will
And pull yourself back up
Lifes not always easy
There will be ups and downs
But youre stronger than you know now
Push forward with both hands
This poem is Copyright © akadawny
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com
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