Date: Thursday, 17th August 2017 @ 06:35:43 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: akadawny
Pain cuts deep like a knife
It causes you despair
A pit that seems so bottomless
Not knowing if hope is there
A void so dense and black
It makes you lose your way
You say and do some stupid things
To get you through each day
Not living but existing
Dragging yourself along
Your only goal to end each day
Not caring whats right or wrong
Pain stretches out beyond you
As far as the eye can see
It makes you ache with longing
To get back to where youve been
Acceptance so hard to acknowledge
Not wanting to give up whats gone
Your head refusing to listen
Not seeing what you have been shown
It knocks you so hard you cant breathe
You have so much emotion inside
The worlds an impossible place now
You just want to curl up and hide
The tears just wont stop falling
The hurt wont go away
Everything overwhelms you
Pain is here to stay
It washes over your heart and soul
No rational thoughts remain
Anger builds inside you
As you try to point the blame
All you have is time
But time just seems so long
Can’t take the constant reminders
Of what has been and gone
Hopes a distant memory
Trust is even further
Pain has caused your heart to pound
Now there’s not even a murmur
This poem is Copyright © akadawny
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com
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