A short murder story
Date: Monday, 15th May 2017 @ 07:08:28 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: softerware
The midget lay stabbed on the carpet;
By the time our man Sheerluck came;
The locals were all taking bar bets;
That the dame known as Jane was to blame.
The cops hauled her down to the hoosegow;
The coroner hauled off the dead;
The press made poor Jane front page news now;
But Sheerluck stood fast and he said:
The victim was poisoned without fail;
Long before knifewounds were rendered;
By the only one posting poor Janes bail;
All eyes fell upon the bar tender!
Confessions came 3 hours later;
When the autopsy proved what was missed;
From the bartender’s wife, and the waiter;
Who suspected the bartenders trist;
I poisoned her beer the wife blubbered;
The waiter then planted the knife;
The poison and notes in the cupboard;
Revealed the affair with his wife!
Jane and the bartender married;
His wife and the waiter were jailed;
The fame of old Sheerluck was carried;
By newspapers telling the tale.
The moral quote Sheerluck is dryer;
Than any martini by far;
Where midgets will go, a murder so low;
Is prevented by raising the bar.
This poem is Copyright © softerware
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