Liars, back stabbers and downright scum
Date: Wednesday, 5th April 2017 @ 07:36:17 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: banjosandwitch
Liars, back stabbers and downright scum
some people are nice
some people are not
some have your back
some stab you in it
some you can trust
some push you under the bus
some fuss over you
some cuss about you
some you would die for
some you cry for
some you will lie for
some lie about you and to you
some are your chum
some are scum
some have your best interests in mind
some are most defiantly not kind
some stuff you cant rewind
some stuff you cant change
sometimes you have to just deal with it
sometimes it hurts bad
by banjosandwitch 05/04/17
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