Walking Away
Date: Tuesday, 4th April 2017 @ 07:32:32 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: softerware
The closer you get to bottom,
The more you have to regain;
Troubles and setbacks, we’ve got em;
Making the world look insane.
A rich man will throw away a dime;
A poor man will think it sublime;
Although each will endure, who values it more?
And spends it a thousand times?
Sleep in the rain, in the doorway again,
And a roof is an angel’s wing;
Distorting our vision;
We think life a prison,
But oh how the pendulum swings!
A dollar’s a fortune; a poor mans distortion;
Bringing him semblance of fame,
More than his share, he clings to his portion
And tries not to spend it in vain.
And so to the ending; its either pretending;
Or rising above all the pain;
Though feeble it may, we pay our own way;
And vow not to falter again.
What can you say, while walking astray;
From alleys and sewers, and gin;
Except to refract, and never go back;
Or defer to remain where we lay.
This poem is Copyright © softerware
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