A love story
Date: Friday, 31st March 2017 @ 01:05:14 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: FireStarter
Your honestly the first guy I/'/ve loved,
Said from me to you
With all my heart and all my love
I can/'/t comprehend what to do
Every other person can/'/t compare
To the way you make me feel
The way that you walk into the room
It doesn/'/t at all seem real
That you would choose me over hundreds more
Just to be in your company
What made you choose,
What made you choose me?
You say that it was my eyes
So green, they make my face stand out
That when the sun shines upon my face
It makes you want to shout
I LOVE YOU to the rooftops
I LOVE YOU to the sea
I LOVE YOU to god
For sending you me
Now grab a seat
For im telling you a story
The story of how i fell in love
I guarantee it won/'/t be boring
Your eyes and smile hooked me at first
My heart stopped for a beat
I looked up with a smile, and i thought to myself
"Don/'/t be a creep..."
I loved your intensity and passion for christ
This is what i needed
Althoigh it wasn/'/t wise,
My soul begged and pleaded
To have you in my life
Always and forever,
My unconditional love
Could never be severed.
This poem is Copyright © FireStarter
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