the string
Date: Sunday, 19th February 2017 @ 09:04:56 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Cathartic
I go fishing
where the sky sleeps along the shore
and the moon bathes in the reflection of the stars.
I go to the waters to cast my string.
It goes down into the deep
where it/'/s caught on the scaly fin of a fish,
it/'/s body an anchor.
I am baptized
Carried down to the reservoir of your heart,
retreating to the depths of you
pulled into the undercurrent of lost things
drawn into the sea of sweet familiar faces.
I find hope in the rushing waters.
I find refuge in the fast memory of good times.
I find you
still swimming against the tides that crash and crash.
I am filled with the water,
Catching glimpses of the fish you cast away
and the string that ties me to them.
This poem is Copyright © Cathartic
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