Cigarettes and Sambuca
Date: Saturday, 18th February 2017 @ 11:38:55 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: MoonlitAngel
Looking back, trying to place you in my life
Sense memories swell over me, hazily
Your black jeans, black t-shirts, the gap in your teeth
Falling for you happened to me, crazily
Never sober, cigarettes and Sambuca
Black licorice breath tasted sweet to me
Took each other anywhere, everywhere
You loved someone else, didn`t matter to me
Being with you came to me so easily
Although you made love to me so quietly
Watching you walk away came as no surprise
Although she rejected you so defiantly
Nothing much to feel, nothing left to say
You great love story was never with me
Rough angles steeped in glances turned away
Became blurred edges in my memory
This poem is Copyright © MoonlitAngel
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