Hillary the Dutiful
Date: Sunday, 11th December 2016 @ 06:12:10 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: spike

O political, with spacious thighs
in ambit, waves of pain
you thought the golden ring was yours
but lost it once again!
Oh Hillary, Oh Hillary
can I rest my faith in thee?
you complain you were robbed
when clearly you were mobbed
by rednecks you don’t see!

O plentiful those emails gone,
whose loss you won’t address
which genius in your acolytes
thought it wouldn’t make a mess?
Oh Hillary, Oh Hillary
the server, State, was free
how can we trust
a word you say,
when you act so flagrantly?

O discarded now, the blessed dream
you carefully built for years
and though your polished chompers gleam,
your eyes betray your tears
Oh Hillary, Oh Hillary
you lost the Presidency,
to a trumped up fool
with a bludgeoning tool
of hate and profanity!

This poem is Copyright © spike

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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