The First Day Of Christmas --a parody.
Date: Sunday, 4th December 2016 @ 10:56:36 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: pooper
On the first day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Please take a Pamphlet they/'/re Free
On the second day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Two athletic purple gloves
One spa for you to use
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the third day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Three bench presses
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
And...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the fourth day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Four payments yearly
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the fifth day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Five first visits are free
one spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the sixth day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Six pools to play in
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the seventh day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Seven days we/'/re open
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the eighth day considering fitness
the heath club said to me
Eight trainers available
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
Seven days we/'/re open
and...please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the Ninth day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Nine partners for fencing
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
Seven days we/'/re open
Eight trainers available
and ..please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the tenth day considering fitness
the health club said to me
Ten swords for fencing
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
Seven days we/'/re open
Eight trainers available
Nine fencing partners.
and ..please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the eleventh day considering fitness
The health club said to me
Eleven tracks for training
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
Seven days we/'/re open
Eight trainers available
Nine fencing partners.
Ten swords for fencing
and ..please take a pamphlet they/'/re free
On the twelfth day considering fitness
The health club said to me
Twelve months a-aching
One spa for you to use
Two athletic purple gloves
Three bench presses
Four payments yearly
Five first visits are free
Six pools to play in
Seven days we/'/re open
Eight trainers available
Nine fencing partners.
Ten swords for fencing
Eleven tracks for training
and ..please take a pamphlet they/'/re free>/
[]D () () []D E R
This poem is Copyright © pooper
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