Something Happened On The Way To School
Date: Friday, 7th October 2016 @ 04:21:50 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: puppy_dog_eyes
Something happened on the way to school, todays lesson the revelation of hate
Long shadowed behind eyes that gave nothing to the world but quiet acceptance
Revenge served cold for taunts so old, layers of molten rage simmered till boiled
Lay a ring of roses for they all fell down
Lay a ring of wreaths, they will always be a child
Stained by a mind tortured into breaking
Pennance for all, finality of death
Pleas shrill became still, as one by one lives became none
Bullets the final refuge for a deeply troubled mind
Shots rained down with accumulated hate
Suffer the little children at the hand of suffered child
No remorse for the wronged, reload and re-affirm cold calculation
Until all voices stopped and stilled, a playground empty of life
And so the gun turned to the final act
And the maker of the victims now became the last
Nothing happened on the way to school
But a church was filled with parental tears
This poem is Copyright © puppy_dog_eyes
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