The Eye Of A Twister....
Date: Thursday, 22nd September 2016 @ 03:03:49 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: RussellReinhardt
Every so often.
Life is like a twister.
Violently spinning.
Uprooting everything in its path.
Thrashing and bashing things together.
Flinging it in the sky.
Just to spit it out miles away.
Your first instinct is to flee.
Not realising.
The safest place.
Would be in the eye of the twister.
At that very instant.
It/'/s the calmest place to be.
But to get there,
You are first to brave the storm.
Navigate your way around flying debris.
You have to get there.
In order to find serenity.
In all the madness around you.
Clear your head and think straight.
Just to survive this storm.
This poem is Copyright © RussellReinhardt
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