maybe shhhhh no peeping my lady
Date: Friday, 5th August 2016 @ 05:48:48 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: alicewhite

21 questions mastermind deceptions
Maybe n shhhh don/'/t like talking about my feelings or being touchy feely dont like physical affection
The trouble with you my lady is your fear of rejection
You talk too much you never shut up i think your a witch and a nympho slut
Your too possessive /'/needy and emotionally weak n greedy
Attention seeking never listen when I am speaking
If I/'/m a vampire I/'/ll be Vlad the impaler
I/'/ll bleed you dry your souls got flavour
Do your self a favour cause I/'/m not your saviour
Thumbs up to your head down I/'/ll be your inhaler

Under my cape I hi
Emotionally greedy
Wanting constant attention I drink and I know things like your a weak nympho freak

Vlad the tame impala cape to hide the fake

This poem is Copyright © alicewhite

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