The Milkman’s Horse
Date: Monday, 16th May 2016 @ 05:19:20 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: softerware
White and gray with tangled mane;
Clip clop to every house he came;
Climbing slow our cobbled street;
Clanking bottles keeping beat.
Swaying gently, leather straining;
rocking head the hill he’s gaining;
belching steamy labored breaths;
watching for the next address!
Out of darkness, ghostly sight;
House to house before first light.
He knew each stop along the route;
He’d stand and wait, but have no doubt;
That when the milkman lolled about;
The dapple would be on his way;
Waiting just a house away.
He knew which children brought him apples;
Stood and let them touch his dapples;
Rumpled up his velvet nose;
Pawed a giant shodden toe.
I was just a girl of three;
When down the stairs dad carried me;
To wait there in the dark of night;
Til through the fog he came in sight!
But when he neared I filled with dread!
My father laughed, I hid my head!
Id lost my only chance to touch;
This gentle giant I loved so much.
Once a city deep in sleep;
Counted on his faithful keep;
Below the purple morning sky;
As soothing as a lullabye;
Came the milkmans horse our way;
and with him went our yesterdays.
This poem is Copyright © softerware
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