Date: Sunday, 3rd April 2016 @ 07:50:49 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: SylviaHughes
This artificial kaleidoscopic globe
with milky glass screens
Watch them all from a distance
Don’t lose your gaze, your concentration
Take a pill or two and keep watching
The gluttonous hordes
devour us and spit us up
Seas of neon and decadence
Platinum blonde wigs
Ashes in my mouth
An empty room with nothing but
a surplus of uncomfortable plastic chairs
Silicone nothingness
Notice me! Screams the girl
drunken nights, almost naked
Notice me! Screams the wife
rich husband, bulimic mess
Buy Buy Buy! Scream all
Throw it out and get some more
Get a belly button ring
to adorn that sagging gut
Celebrate! Celebrate!
For life is what we make it
It really shouldn’t be.
This poem is Copyright © SylviaHughes
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