Each Day That We Have Is Precious
Date: Friday, 11th December 2015 @ 08:07:08 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: randyjohnson
We should thank the Lord Jehovah for the time that we've got.
You may live to be a hundred but then again, you may not.
I've seen people die at the young age of forty-five.
If I'm that unlucky, in just one year from now, I'll no longer be alive.
Some people die even younger than that, we never know when we will go.
If you wonder if minor annoyances should get you down, the answer is no.
Each day that we have is so precious and it's what everybody should appreciate.
Treasure your family and friends because every day you have with them is great.
This poem is Copyright © randyjohnson
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