Date: Saturday, 7th November 2015 @ 08:43:37 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Jigget


i feel like you'd rather do anything than be here with me.
i feel the way you want to want to be here...
but you just can't.
i see the way you hustle and scuffle
things to do
things to take
things to give your mind a break

Do you ever intend to hustle back to Us?
Do you even notice my
every single day...
why did you go away?

i watch you move heaven and move earth
to make going to hell something of worth

i feel like there's nothing you wouldn't have left
some other day, some long ago...
left nothing undone
to see me smile
to hear me laugh
to feel me sigh
to taste every kiss
to wonder and wish
to sing every breath

but not today.

things to do, places to go,
dreams to forget then pain to remind
get up and go get this here from them there,
then you go, alone, to some random nowhere

where you stare at your hands,
your empty, embarrassed hands...
and you curse what they make you do,
for they ripped you up,
tore your tears into fears
then left you in pain....grasping.

where even your smile,
my reason for smiling,
even that can't hide that you can't stop
thinking about me.

where even the torturous twirl of your dance
to the grave
can't make you dizzy enough
to laugh.

where each and every unburied care despairs.

where at least it's anywhere but here,
with anyone but me.

JD Howell

This poem is Copyright © Jigget

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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