Bare-ly Passive
Date: Friday, 4th September 2015 @ 01:51:02 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: xHeathenx
A man who walks a barren path
Leaves and trees surrounding
Fruit grows ever out of reach,
Just a slight climb is all it takes
Instead he stares, reaches still,
Circling numerous times-
Kicking soil in the air,
Leaving trenches where paths once were
A fly held in web captured,
Stolen away from free skies
It sees dung, food, decay and mates,
All wrapped along sticky strings
Awaiting the looming spider's bite,
Oh how he wishes to escape! To fight!
To decide when and where,
How he meets his own end
Walls of any kind create difficulty
In lighting up the way as you go
No matter where it is,
You go to or from
Flashlights and lanterns,
Sure, they help light the way
But artificial light breeds,
Only artificial sight
False hope and motivations
Give false sense of direction
The poor man works hard, busts his hump!
"The rich get richer", and he has no fair share
Teaching serfs to keep working hard,
But never of the world around them
What matters of neighbors?
When neighbors are not family?
They become victim to destiny,
Set up, and destined to fail
The system has been broken,
Along with the spirits of the cogs
Overtaken by the rusting mist
Of a so called "trickling down"
Always hungry, but conveniently enough,
They just never seem to starve...
This poem is Copyright © xHeathenx
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