Date: Thursday, 14th May 2015 @ 12:23:07 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: softerware
He was tall, and she petite;
Difference of about 2 feet!
He couldn’t tie his shoes himself;
She couldn’t reach the topmost shelf.
Onlookers could not uncover;
What they saw in one another!
She was chatty; He was quiet;
He was lean; she on a diet!
They had no doubt of why or whether;
They were meant to be together!
What seems odd to you and me;
To the spirit comes naturally.
If love must match in every feature;
How then can we love our creatures?
(For want of love dogs choose to dwell;
With hairless giants who cannot smell!)
Nature in her wisdom kind;
Left our hearts both deaf and blind.
Bark or whinny, chirp or coo;
The message magically gets through!
Love exceeds our definitions;
Breaks our fondest held traditions;
Resist, and it grows stronger still;
Survives the ironest of wills!
In concrete canyons, grass still grows,
Sunlights’ warmth is all it knows.
A tiny seed will find a way;
To see the sky another day;
And thus the heart knows only this;
To seek and find it’s nourished bliss.
This poem is Copyright © softerware
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