India Awaits...
Date: Saturday, 2nd May 2015 @ 10:25:02 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Suryaansh
No matter what we do, no matter who we are,
It’s always a heartfelt desire to see new lands afar!
To savour the beauty, exploring castles and forts,
A blithe moment it is to see pages filled in our passport!
A chance to wander beyond the realms of chicken to beef and pork,
And tuck into a life of luxuries in Tokyo or New York.
‘Swades’ is plagued with problems, why give a damn,
Forget local trains of Mumbai, it’s the turn of San Francisco’s tram!
Yet a lot is worth mentioning that has remained unsaid,
Sushis and salads are no match for the Indian bread.
Temples of Varanasi are as significant as the cathedrals of Rome,
Why then, a smile abroad is often a scowl at home?
A lot more respect this entity deserves, that shaped our identity each bit,
We couldn’t die for the nation; there is a need to live for it!
The story demands an end, which the God narrates,
Return fast, return now my friend, our India awaits!
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This poem is Copyright © Suryaansh
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