Eyes Of Ice
Date: Thursday, 5th March 2015 @ 03:50:58 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: waynster
This person who stands here before me
I thought I knew all too well
However I finally saw something
a damaged soul inside does dwell
Eyes of ice
no passion expressed in any way
How could I have not seen this before
why do I see this today
Either buried too deep
within my own emotional bliss
Perhaps I have been mesmerized
by their sweet and pretending kiss
That look, so ice cold
as if frozen to the bone
This person has their own agenda
while sitting on their thrown
The world revolves around them
but they tell you no if you would ask
They gloat in superiority
in prosperity they bask
A person like this
for some reason has so much to hide
With a very cold heart
vowing secrecy, by their very own rules they abide
Just one look
somehow the contact my soul made today
Showed me the truth
and to be careful for the various games that they play
Written on 5 March 2015
Copyright © 2015 E. Wayne Searles All Rights Reserved
This poem is Copyright © waynster
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