You Do Know What I Mean!
Date: Monday, 9th February 2015 @ 07:52:56 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: fredmonte101
You Do Know What I Mean! by Fred M. Lassonde
I know a Lady with a certain flair
Who will stun you with her hair
Red, yellow, black or green
Know what I mean
Her beauty is always there
Will cause you to glare
Yet more remains to be seen
know what I mean
She amazes even me
Someone you have to see
Brains and Beauty overflows
My Love for her ever grows
It may be no one will ever know
How much I have loved you so
That all remains to be seen
Know what I mean
Yet while many have seen you
They do not really know you
There is more to be seen
Know what I mean
In the past have asked me to pray
Which I do for you everyday
Soul Mates we are a team
Know what I mean
Will go on Loving you
Just can do what can do
Sit here missing you
Always Loving you!
You are ever in my heart
Have been from the start
I know not what else to do
But to go on Loving you!
Memories of you before my eyes
May you come to realize
Of me all remains to be seen
Know what I mean?
So now just as I always do
Will part saying I Love you!
Praying you will Love me to
Yet, I know this is not Adieu
For not all ends unhappily
As Soul Mates we will see
Until then for you I pray
We will meet in the great someday
For every true Love
Is truly from Above
Till then the good we glean
You do know what I mean!
©Fred Monte Lassonde 2015
This poem is Copyright © fredmonte101
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