The heat pipes speak
Date: Wednesday, 4th February 2015 @ 08:07:17 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Jyssvw22
Freshly frozen
In time
The thaw poses
A significant threat
To those chosen
Those who left
Could never forget
They search to find
Real love
Although, not quite yet
For feeble eyes
Play tricks on the mind
We weep,
until they wept
Under the carpet
Our secrets are swept
My fallacies are kept
In between the pillows of neglect
That thunderous night
We hardly slept
Lightning lit
Our eyes with immense
Passion in disguise
A ration to subsidize
I know sadness
In depth,
and with breadth
Without compromise
I touch heaven
Come to terms
With all my,
default and defects
I left
Craved death
A shiver crept
Into a dream
I come clean
I await
Yet remain unseen
Blinded by light
Peaceful flight
Into a world
Of transgressions
Unmitigated reflections
A mirror of thought
Holding you
In a bed
Of feathers
In a moment
Of forevers
With a kiss
So tender
I have you
To protect
You to thank
For all I have become
Those that were set
To do me harm
Know right from
Question answered
We won't be long
Wait for us
At the gates with song
Pray for a safe arrival
From the shallow waters we rose
A serpent of the sea
Crawls into a hollow shell of eternity
Enter a gloomy cave
With walls for ears
Yearning for years
I have spilt my tears
In a fire that seers
This indelible mark
On my heart
Cleverly portrayed
Night mocks the day
Enter the forlorn
As the winds rush away
The freshness rots
When an order stops
Strangers in their spots
A birthday ballon pops
As I drop
To my knees
To kiss your feet
Remove your shoes
Though you know not
Why we have come
To hear the sermon of the sun
Preacher on the run
While a baby sucks his thumb
He claims
An orphan loves no one
Insane, he mocks
Those abandoned and unloved
Together we come
To claim our rightful place
These delightful tastes
Wipe that silly smirk,
right off your face
Don't tempt me
I may say something
That can never be erased
In one another's arms
We keep each other safe
Without acceptance
We fall from grace
This poem is Copyright © Jyssvw22
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