Future Growth
Date: Sunday, 1st February 2015 @ 03:28:37 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: lostrelic

In this soil we dig, planting seeds for futures growth.
Tolled for past endeavors, using tears to water dreams.
Words to nurture growth, strength to hold on during hard winds.
Blood to feed the maker, never happy always wanting more.

Is not life about dirty hands, getting something from hard work earned?
How can one truly appreciate something without giving in return.
Opened hearts and truth be told, lies are the rock on which bad foundations get laid.
Deceptive means are only ego seeking pleasure from the now.
Leaving everything behind in the wake.

Guided hands and open hearts, this garden we call our home.
Love may grow with light or rot, both are up to us to decide.
If it is truly cared for any seed can flourish.
We just need to let love bloom.

This poem is Copyright © lostrelic

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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