Power of Love
Date: Thursday, 8th January 2015 @ 11:05:17 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: bigj
Hope once again restored
Days of the dark behind me
Love a possibility again
This future I couldn't see
Not a person in particular
But something much stronger
The idea of obtaining again
This heart waits no longer
To look upon someone's eyes
And be buried within their soul
And watch the world disappear
With someone's face my hand holds
To speak entirely from the heart
Without filtering from the brain
To speak of their beauty
Grateful to have embraced this change
Passion and romance relived
And one day lay by someone's side
To leave their touch would be criminal
To be submerged in a bed and hide
Daily I would speak of the beauty
And the novels written to describe
This happiness to simply love again
To claim someone's heart as mine
To magically transform a kiss
Into something that makes us disappear
disappear from the meaningless
And be connected without fears
I await for this blessed angel
Whom I may empty my soul entirley
To allow this heart to give it's all
To live long and love as we become elderly .
Written by: Justin R Ford
This poem is Copyright © bigj
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