Date: Thursday, 1st January 2015 @ 04:14:05 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Beyfoxman5
Will this smoke inhilation
Clear the confusion
That is my current state
It seems there's no one
To which I can relate
I have no answers
A fire burns
As my world turns
From clear to overcast
The rain comes
I go blank
I have no answers
I decide to swim
And 15 strokes in
I begin to drown
Bottom bound
I have no answers
For the moment I am saved
By the green grass I have found
Ha, sprinklers surround
I should have known
It wasn't a concert that filled my ears
For it was only a drone
I have no answers
Only time will tell
If I will escape this state
Of living hell
Where can I buy a gasoline suit?
I have no answers
And with another drag I thrive, a chance
I am alive
Will I survive, advance?
This present tense
Makes no sense
Out there, is there an answer?
This poem is Copyright © Beyfoxman5
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com
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