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Date: Monday, 6th October 2014 @ 02:16:22 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: pat346
I'm running out
a sense of moving forward
a calm and visible projection
not projected
a malestrom
I'm faded gold
a story of a youth
so bright and resiliant
worn down
a one hit wonder
I'm damaged goods
anxiety and depression
calm in an alcoholic numb
repressing and regressing
i am done.
one way or another
the grass will still grow
the sun will still rise
the moon will still glow
the days will go by
the nights will still pass
the birthdays and the first dates
the tears and the laughs
the breakups and the makeups
cold showers, warm baths
the long nights and the bad fights
the tears and the laughs
the tears and the laughs
the tears and the laughs
the tears and the laughs
This poem is Copyright © pat346
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com
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