Not A Stone
Date: Friday, 12th September 2014 @ 11:41:03 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: fairiepsycho
Drown out the pain,
drown out the hate.
Cover up the scars,
you've made your fate.
Your dream turned on you,
changed into your nightmare.
What used to be ,
is no longer there.
Resentment and anger replaced,
where love should be.
My heart is breaking,
only he can set it free.
I gave him too much power,
I gave him all that I am.
Stupid me,
now he's shattered the dam.
Broken pieces all over,
floating in my mind.
The bad one is screaming,
"Let's leave it all behind!"
I have to remember I am better,
than how he makes me feel.
This is not like him,
he is not seeing what is real.
But I am not a stone,
I am not that strong.
I won't be able,
to hold out for very long.
This poem is Copyright © fairiepsycho
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com
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