The Warmth Of Homemade
Date: Wednesday, 6th August 2014 @ 06:17:19 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Dorisanne
The Warmth Of Homemade
Cooking, freezing, and raspberry jam
Beef stew, salmon pie, and egg rolls out of ham
Quick party foods and a hunters breakfast
Castle cake, feather bed, and little trees for Christmas
Cakes of Dolphin, Smurf, and Muno too
Butterfly, Barbie Doll with thousands of views
Baby items, aprons, and dresses to sew
You can make your own maple syrup, you know
Wreaths, snowmen, and Christmas logs are a craft
Helping toddlers make bird food is always a laugh
Peanut butter, sugar, and chocolate chip cookies
Banana oatmeal, no bake, and centerpiece of crispys
Deer meat lasagna and savory stuffed shells
Leftover turkey meal with stuff off your shelves
Pumpkin carving, candy apples, and nature hunt fun
Accessories for creative cakes and rolls of cinnamon
Game night quesadillas and wraps too
More is in store and waiting for you
By: Doris Anne Beaulieu
At: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dorisanne13
This poem is Copyright © Dorisanne
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