Migraine Awake!
Date: Tuesday, 5th August 2014 @ 08:07:21 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: northernlights
Stillness holds me
in the soothing voice of silence,broken
By the heavens unmistakable opening, as I am soothed
By the rush of rain, the out pouring and the drip,drip,drip
And gurgle of water filled gutters,and I am, "migraine
Awake!" in the, "never land"of exhaustion. the vice like grip
That holds my head in constant reminder of pressure
has lowered to a four on the,"stricture scale."Nausea
Clings,screen blares in intolerable screams of light.
As a moth I am drawn,I Obey the command of,"awake!"
And I know the price of tomorrow! Yet from within my very
Elemental nature,
tonight I am not my own!
This poem is Copyright © northernlights
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