Going Back
Date: Monday, 4th August 2014 @ 04:22:34 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: FindingMyself
You are going back...
Back to the unknown
Somebody that you shouldn''t be
Not knowing who you are hurting!
Loosing yourself quickly because of depression...
What is the point?
Drinking, drinking and more drinking...
You are a believer of God
You are a fighter but you are so quick to give up!
Loosing your marriage, sons and daughter along the way
I believe in you and never will give up on the relationship that will possible be one day.
I may be young but I am very wise for my age.
There is a reason why we took the mental abuse
That is because we love you!
I pray that one day you will get better and start fresh.
We will never give up on you because FAMILY will always be there through thick and thin!
This poem is Copyright © FindingMyself
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