A Too Formidable Endeavour
Date: Sunday, 6th July 2014 @ 12:45:06 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: invierno

My fingers stall....
How to wrap them into the tapping,
producing the poem summing up all;
reducing deducing the ebb and the flow
to that almighty summation, in apathy waiting,
just behind that invisible wall.
An hour of staring, no answers appearing-
a sentence retracted, redacted times beyond number;
with silence so blaring, a cosmos unsparing,
perhaps there's a reason this summation so slumbers.
One might as well write of glorious love,
Though of this all knowing pie I hope to be baking,
as grand as love is, it's 'ere but a slice.
This endeavor I've set, lofty indeed,
With hours expired, fool that I am, rube I must be-
Millions of pens, (my ego forgot)
from charcoal on reeds to Monte Blanc perfection
and all in between,
have grappled and wrastled, just as I am-
But yay and hooray! I've found my way free!
Down with my pen,
(my yard beckons you see- I heard the grass calling, now don't laugh at me),
thus now I confess, my ego at rest, (ever good)
as of course it should be,
I say to the sky and things without ears
I can't do in an hour what far greater minds
have failed to find in millions of years;
I may be a poet, though still just a man,
penning this pie a slice at a time;
the summation so great, I'm afraid it must wait
for that curtain to part when I kick the can.

This poem is Copyright © invierno

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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