Date: Monday, 12th May 2014 @ 08:20:57 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Livingawkwardly
What is this thing called trust
Is it given to us right of the bat
Or is it something we have to earn
You meet someone new
Do they have your trust
Do you have theirs
It's so easy to lose
And so hard to get back
But do we all start with it
Can everyone lose your trust
Or do some people always have it
no matter what...
It can be a great thing
Or a terrible thing
Depending on whose hands you put it in
We have the control
So don't just give it to anyone
Make sure it is worth it
They say that trust is like paper
Once it is crumpled
It will never be perfect again
But is that true
Can't you just iron it out
Or will you just end up burning it
This poem is Copyright © Livingawkwardly
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