She never stood a chance
Date: Sunday, 6th April 2014 @ 08:16:59 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: ArloDisarray
She never stood a chance.
Never took one in her life
Pounded into her mind
That she'd never make it out alive
Gave it all away
to someone so undeserving
never knowing real love
or what life could be about
She drifted into dreams
while sitting wide awake
forgetting the difference
and losing what she knew
falling into pieces
and fading away
unsure of what she had
or what she could become
Wasting days on blame
and never letting go
Refusing to forget
Becoming a bitter shell
Never allowing herself
to grow into what she wanted
because she wasted all her energy
on regret and hate
She never stood a chance...
This poem is Copyright © ArloDisarray
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